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The Trick or Treat 2016 Event - Starting 29 October 2016

Posted in Announcements
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This year, we're doing our second annual Trick or Treat event! During this celebration our website has adopted more Halloween themed colours!

Day 1 starts 29 October 2016 and will last until 31 October 2016.

We will release content during those days when we feel we're ready to push the content.

All content released will be free.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
I like what you did with the colour of the site.
Agreed, it nice :D
Taking any suggestions ?
Feedback and suggestions is always welcome.
You can add a Pumpkin Outfit for Bart, a Batman outfit for Homer, a Frankenstein outfit for Apu...
Also it would be really cool an orange sky around every map.
I honestly want a revamped level 7 with the stonecutters tunnel and power plant restored.

oh and what about the ability to switch characters in levels?