"Undercover Fatso" is a story mission mod idea that I came up with a couple weeks ago and I finally decided to share it here. The story of this mod is that Homer is accidentally hired by a bad agency known as the (515) Association, who plans to "change the world", and he must do each and everything they say or else they will kill Homer and his family as well as have Lard Lad Donuts and Duff Beer shut down forever. What I would want to do for this mod is basically make it a team effort and maybe work with some experienced members on the mod. As of now though, I'm still unsure on whether or not I want to actually work on this mod. Of course I have all the mission concepts and everything planned out and written in a document just in case I decide to go through with this.
For a team though I'm looking for people who are good with modeling, mission scripting, and maybe even voice acting. If interested, (and experienced!), find me in the Discord and message me if you'd like to take part in this. If I get enough people willing to help out, then I may actually decide to make this project happen.
What I want to achieve with this mod though is something that hasn't been done before. Throw in some cool surprises and neat things that people haven't tried. As well as somewhat disconnect from the comedy side of things and make situations a lot more serious in a sense. Heck I may even try to go as far as to do a boss battle like mission. I really just want a mod that will be something everyone can enjoy and be unique in many ways possible.
"Undercover Fatso" - New Story Mission Mod Idea!
Posted in SHAR: Mod Requests
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Sheen "Undercover Fatso" is a story mission mod idea that I came up with a couple weeks ago and I finally decided to share it here. The story of this mod is that Homer is accidentally hired by a b
Wayback not really a modder. but i'm interested helping you. i can help you make hud icons. any kind you want me to make
not really a modder. but i'm interested helping you. i can help you make hud icons. any kind you want me to make