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Hack requests for launchers

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1. I'd like a "wanted level always zero" hack.
2. I'd like an "indestructible cars" hack.
3. I'd like a "super car stats" hack (all cars now have perfect handling, toughness and speed.)
wanted level always zero
We'll look into it.

indestructible cars
As in all cars you play as are indestructible, or all cars in general are indestructible? There's a cheat code for the former:

super car stats
That's more complicated than you understand and would require editing hundreds of files. Each car has it's own special stats file.
all cars you play as are indestructible.
and ok. so what is the cheat?
  • Open pause menu
  • Click "Options"
  • Hold "F1"
  • Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow