Hello! Very helpful mod. I have a couple of questions.
1) Did you enter the car stats (speed/acceleration/toughness/handling) yourself? Are these based on your own instincts, the car config files, or are they already buried in the game itself somewhere? I noticed your mod script specifies these stats, but it also specifies unmodified stats for cars that are already present in phone booth normally, so I'm not sure what to make of that.
2) I assume you created the PNGs for each vehicle yourself, judging by the lack of shadows and the fact the alpha channel is properly handled through the windows, unlike the official renders. Would you mind if I used some of these, along with the car stats? It would be very helpful. I'm only interested in the hidden (rocket car etc.) and traffic vehicles.
But I should clarify what I'm up to. What I'm working on is creating a book for Hit & Run. Bear in mind I might never get round to finishing it, I might get sued or I might run into other issues. Planned publication date is summer. There will be a digital version available for free and a physical version available for about $25. I know $25 is way too high, but after Amazon's cut I'm left with $15, and still have to pay the printing costs, which are $0.85 + $0.07 per page. This allows for 202 pages before I break even... for now. Costs might change, and there's also the UK, Europe and Japan to think about. This price also enables free shipping in the US. Unfortunately, print-on-demand colour printing gets very expensive, but I can't do much about that. I don't expect anyone to bite at such a ridiculous price, but it's nice to have the option there. B&W would work out a great deal cheaper ($0.012 per page), but for this I don't see it being a workable option due to the rich presence of images.
Now, I should propose what you'd get out of this. You'd get credited in the book as AGuyNamedSteve, or whatever name you please (obviously within reason - nothing too offensive or ridiculously lengthy), and a backlink to your profile or something. You would be amongst a list of names, probably two pages large. Not decided on exactly who will be credited, but I have a good idea and the list will be at least 10 long. This is about all I can offer you, really, as realistically there either won't be any royalties to offer, or optimistically there will be very little in the way of royalties and it's not worth sending you a few pennies each month. Plus, I would feel that others would deserve a little too, and the result could get messy.
While I'm here, I should point out that your witch PNG is a strange size, and possibly why your mod crashes the game when cycling too far to the right in the phone booth. I've not attempted modding your mod to see if cropping the witch to the correct size fixes the crashing issue.
If you read this, thanks for your time and I hope you don't have any objections towards me using your vehicle images. If you don't read this (or give no indication that you've read it), I'll go ahead using your images and try contacting you on YouTube when the book closer to completion. Although not preferable, they can easily be replaced with screenshots, similar to
Edit: Ooh, downvotes. A private message would be more appropriate, but I don't have a way of contacting OP in private.