Custom music
Posted in SHAR: Mod Resources
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jojo11ee Can someone make or show me how to make a custom music mod for the simpsions hit and run
Can someone make or show me how to make a custom music mod for the simpsions hit and run
[deleted user]
Here's the tutorial
But, careful with that, adding custom music is hard
Here's the tutorial
But, careful with that, adding custom music is hard
Here's the tutorial
But, careful with that, adding custom music is hard
Poliak Is it better to take the wav's size or the newly created rsd size ?
Is it better to take the wav's size or the newly created rsd size ?
[deleted user] You need to use the RSD's size or else the game will likely be corrupted.
You need to use the RSD's size or else the game will likely be corrupted.