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SHAR Install Type

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I was installing SHAR, as I had reinstalled Windows, and when I was installing I came across this:
There are two options: Minimal Install and Full Install.

Does anyone know the difference? Are there any major differences between the two?

- iKurt
It's been awhile since this question has come up, so let me try to give the information I remember:

- Minimum install does not install the music/cutscene files to the computer. It only installs the scripts and art. It requires a disk to play and retrieve the files off of the CD, and you will most likely have slower load times because it has to read data off of the CD.

- Full installs everything to the computer. All of the data will be read off of the computer, however, you still need a disk inserted to play or a no-CD executable.

I recommend using Full Install. I'm not sure if Lucas' Simpsons: Hit & Run Mod Launcher supports minimum install currently as it's slightly tricky to support.
Ah I see, I'll go with the full install then.

Thank you for explaining.
No problem! If you have any other questions, feel free to make another thread!