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How to use PS4 controller on Hit and Run

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Hey guys, first time posting in here.
I wanna know if any of you guys had sucess using the PS4 controller while playing the game.
I have tried several times and none worked out, I'm using the PS4 controller over bluetooth and DS4Windows, The system recognizes the controller and I can even control the mouse with the touchpad, but when I launch the game and try to map the buttons, I doesn't seem to recognize the buttons which I pressed.
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
PS4 didn't existed when SHaR came out. So it probably won't work
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
I have never connected a ps4 controller to this game but there could be a couple of reasons why it’s not working.
Make sure that you are running ds4windows and have your controller connected before running the game because unfortunately, it doesn’t detect controllers when its running.
You could also make a script in Glovepie and map the buttons to the computer keyboard.
That’s all I can think of because I have only used Wiimotes and Xbox 360 controllers to play Hit and Run and they are a lot easier to set up.
You used a Wii mote to play Hit and Run?

OP, you could also try Joy2Key
Hell i used a DK Bongo set to controll shar
you should try input mapper, its a program that makes the computer think think the ps4 remoteis a Xbox 360 remote, and if what MACCA said is right you could get input mapper to do all the witch craft stuff to get the ps4 remote to work and then boot hit and run and it should work fine.

Here's a download link to input mapper if you need it -

EDIT: the ps4 remote works with input mapper, but the controllers are REALLY MESS UP. working on fixing that

EDIT V2: Fixed the mapping, will probably make a forum post with the fixed mapping and how to get ps4 remotes to work tomorrow.