Kenny Giles
(Before downloading, please make sure your Mod Launcher is up to date!)
The Level 7 Rich Side Restoration mod is a mod that you might recall me uploading back on
(Before downloading, please make sure your Mod Launcher is up to date!)
The Level 7 Rich Side Restoration mod is a mod that you might recall me uploading back on a previous revision of the forums. After spending some time tucked away in my Dropbox folder, I polished it up a bit for a 1.3 release and I'm giving it out again!
The mod's goal is to restore the "Rich Side" of Level 7 that's normally cut off in-game. It does this by using some renamed and slightly modified Level 4 region P3D files, so it looks nearly identical to the original game's Level 7! In addition to this, some missions have been reworked to either use the normally cut-off Rich Side, or work around them entirely.
To use the mod, you must have a save file with Level 7 unlocked (hopefully you do). Download the mod from one of the links below, and then install the mod (if you're unfamiliar with how to do this,
please click here).
Which version should I download?:
If you're only interested in playing the mod, I'd probably recommend the compiled version. Everything is in one nice clean file! No extracting! Otherwise, grab the .rar file instead if you're interested in the source.
The bridge to the Rich Side.
The Rich Side in all of it's glory!
President Kang Says...
Stone Cutter's...Hell Tunnel...Eh, could be worse.
Follow that alien car!
Mr. Burns' mansion...creepy...
Download links:
Rich Side Restoration - 1.3 (Compiled)
Rich Side Restoration - 1.3 (Non-Compiled) 6,595 views ·
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Will Awesome!, gonna play this right away! By the way what font is used on the Kang Billboard i've been looking for it all over!
Awesome!, gonna play this right away! By the way what font is used on the Kang Billboard i've been looking for it all over!
Kenny Giles The font I'm using was extracted straight from Road Rage. It's called AdLib BT.
The font I'm using was extracted straight from Road Rage. It's called AdLib BT.
Surreal Bot Heh heh, at least there's better exploration to do in Level 7 now. I might just use it in my mod! (Of course I'll give full credit if I do.)
Heh heh, at least there's better exploration to do in Level 7 now. I might just use it in my mod! (Of course I'll give full credit if I do.)
Kenny Giles Awesome, @SomeBot! I'd love to see what you could do with Level 7 with the other side restored!
And yes, I'd greatly appreciate credit if you don't mind. I forgot to mention in my orig
Awesome, @SomeBot! I'd love to see what you could do with Level 7 with the other side restored!
And yes, I'd greatly appreciate credit if you don't mind. I forgot to mention in my original post that anybody's free to take the files from the non-compiled version if they're interested in using all of Level for their mod.
DoucheryStrum It's a good mod, but the fact that the mod blocks off the rich side in the last mission was kinda disappointing.
It's a good mod, but the fact that the mod blocks off the rich side in the last mission was kinda disappointing.
1561 Can I use it in my mod? I'll give full credit.
Can I use it in my mod? I'll give full credit.
Going to lock this thread. If Kenny decides to continue working on this, he can unlock this thread or make a new one
Going to lock this thread. If Kenny decides to continue working on this, he can unlock this thread or make a new one.