Kenny Giles
...About time this popped up again.
Ages ago, using Lucas' tools, I converted the game's soundtrack to WAV, and then combined the Mission jingles with the m
...About time this popped up again.
Ages ago, using Lucas' tools, I converted the game's soundtrack to WAV, and then combined the Mission jingles with the mission tracks to create an "Unofficial" soundtrack release. People like it a lot, but understandably wanted some of the other tracks I purposefully didn't include (mostly the mission jingles), so I said I was going to update it.
...Ages later, here we are! This is it, the absolutely complete SHAR soundtrack composed by the talented Marc Baril and several other composers (who are properly credited in the tags). This soundtrack includes all of the main mission tracks you've come to know and love, as well as the mission jingles and unused tracks.
A huge thanks to Lucas Cardellini (as always) for creating the tools that made my job incredibly easy.
Download Links:
FLAC (Lossless)
Will Awesome :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
downloading it now :)
EDIT: I love the rhythm guitar on Bart's levels and the Lead. Marc Baril's work on Bart's music is partially why i bega
Awesome :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
downloading it now :)
EDIT: I love the rhythm guitar on Bart's levels and the Lead. Marc Baril's work on Bart's music is partially why i began playing guitar. The soundtrack sends nostalgic shivers down my spine I LOVE IT!
and Wolves stole my Pills reminds me of Jerry Martins compositions for the Sims 1.
4mem6a Here from Google search, downloading now, thanks so much for your time on this.
This forum is confusing, I'm not modding and so I vow never to return.
Here from Google search, downloading now, thanks so much for your time on this.
This forum is confusing, I'm not modding and so I vow never to return.
Fluffy @4mem6a So why make an account? Also what's confusing?
@4mem6a So why make an account? Also what's confusing?
chloe1994price Thank you. 01-13. Weapons of Mass Delinquency - Avoiding Wiggum love that and more of this :D
Thank you. 01-13. Weapons of Mass Delinquency - Avoiding Wiggum love that and more of this :D
Danhanado Is all the in-game music meant to be 24khz?
Is all the in-game music meant to be 24khz?
[deleted user] The game only supports audio of that sample rate and since we are only able to get the music from rips, This is the best quality that is obtainable as of right now.
The game only supports audio of that sample rate and since we are only able to get the music from rips, This is the best quality that is obtainable as of right now.
JesseJones88 hi i can't download the soundtrack because the mp3 link doesn't work
hi i can't download the soundtrack because the mp3 link doesn't work
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Addy I Would recommend that you do not speak in old threads, as it breaks the community guidelines. regards
I feel that the above comment was fine, bumps are allowed (in my experience) if the post in quest
I Would recommend that you do not speak in old threads, as it breaks the community guidelines. regards
I feel that the above comment was fine, bumps are allowed (in my experience) if the post in question which bumped it contains meaningful content (such as non-vague questions and problem reporting) as opposed to stuff just like "good mood".
EDIT: This was meant to say "mod" and not "mood". Pretty funny typo though so I'll keep it.