[CLOSED] Storm Over Springfield - Beta Testers Wanted!
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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Colou This is a beta testing post, the download is here: https://donutteam.com/forum/topic/1769/
This is a beta testing post, the download is here: donutteam.com/forum/topic/1769/
V0RTEX L0RD Colou, How big is the proper file size for SHAR? just for reference so I know how much space is needed free on my PC.
Colou, How big is the proper file size for SHAR? just for reference so I know how much space is needed free on my PC.
Colou Around 2GB
Around 2GB
V0RTEX L0RD Dumb Question But... Can you upload your game as an ISO file to Mediafire and send a link. I know probably No.. Or a ban...
Dumb Question But... Can you upload your game as an ISO file to Mediafire and send a link. I know probably No.. Or a ban...
Zach my game file is 2.12GB is that how much the game size is? or does it have to be higher i got my game from amazon
my game file is 2.12GB is that how much the game size is? or does it have to be higher i got my game from amazon
[deleted user] Illegitimate uploads are not allowed on this site. Your best bet if you want to get the game is to buy it on Amazon or eBay. Please try to keep the topic of this thread on the mod.
Illegitimate uploads are not allowed on this site. Your best bet if you want to get the game is to buy it on Amazon or eBay. Please try to keep the topic of this thread on the mod.
This post has been removed.
david44 i hope full version coming out soon
i hope full version coming out soon
ZumbeeDNT I don't imagine this is still open is it?
I don't imagine this is still open is it?
Colou Yeah, the last spot was filled last night, and I have now updated the post to reflect this.
Yeah, the last spot was filled last night, and I have now updated the post to reflect this.