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Purple Skin MOD

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This is my first mod i ever done, i'm sorry if i got something wrong
EDIT: Changed website due to the first one being untrusty and even potentially harmful, my antivirus was in mayday when i tried to download the file. Also thanks to everyone who replied, i never expected Jake replying to me!
That site is the most sketchy thing i've seen, For starters I've never heard of that site before & second of all it asked me to share so I'm not trying it I'll do a VirusTotal scan and report back...
although I think you should use Mega or Dropbox ...

Edit: I scanned with VirusTotal and never got anything bad, howevr I noticed that the site was running a bunch of cookies... also I decided to check out there Privacy Policy and found this on no. 2 :
Put It here as the forum was making it smaller than Kenny's online status..
This means it tracks the sites you visit...
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
"That site is the most sketchy thing i've seen, For starters I've never heard of that site before & second of all it asked me to share so I'm not trying it" 

@vortexlord I also looked at the site and found nothing dodgy about it. just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean its sketchy since a lot of people want other alternatives now. Also, many sites ask you to share it with other people and to check out their other pages. Even the donut team site does it at the bottom of its main page. The only difference is that its not a popup unlike on that site.

"Edit: I scanned with VirusTotal and never got anything bad, howevr I noticed that the site was running a bunch of cookies... also I decided to check out there Privacy Policy and found this on no. 2 :" 

The cookie does not track the sites you visit so I have no idea what you are talking about. Every good and reputable upload site has information stored about you, such as Mega, Google Drive or Onedrive, in the form of cookies on your device to authenticate a login or information stored about the files you view or download stored on their server for legal purposes. If you don't like it, use a properly sandboxed browser like Tor and a reputable virtual private network solution. There is no way of them knowing the sites that you have previously visited or the sites that you will visit in the future.
I still don't trust a random site bro..
Simple retextures of the main characters costumes but i think they look pretty nice! Not sure why this has so many dislikes as it does
@Puppet505: Congratulations on your first mod!

@V0RTEX L0RD: The site doesn't seem "sketchy" to me; sharing is an acceptable and common way of trying to promote your service. Just because you haven't heard of it, immediately makes it sketchy. Also if you knew what a cookie was, you'd understand that sentence is normal. The Donut Team Privacy Policy says the same thing:

Cookies: Donut Team uses cookies and sessions to store information regarding your activity on any of our services. Cookie data may include information regarding logins, the pages you've recently visited, or anonymous identifiers that help us enhance your experience on our services.
Donut Team Privacy Policy
If you don't want to download it from this service, that's fine; but I'd consider the service on par with several others including Mediafire. The cookies used appear to be for, which is used for the share buttons, and sometimes the same service but in Latvian. I don't see anything out of the ordinary.