Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Advanced Vehicles v1.1

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Every vehicle now has a boost mechanic! Hardcore players will enjoy trying to speedrun with this mod. (Just ensure you're satisfied with the settings in Mod Settings.)

Use the E-brake (or simply skid) while accelerating to boost! To stop skidding, release the accelerate button (this isn't new, but since you'll be heavily relying on the boost mechanic, it's best to know anyway). Don't overdo it. There are a lot of times where you will unintentionally skid and therefore boost, especially after bumping into another vehicle.

This is very hard to master.


FUN FACT: I previously tried to make something like this called the "Experimental Handbrake," but it was even less stable.
[deleted user]
6 yrs ago (Statistics)
Looks like I'm gonna love(or hate) this mod, nice work Some Bot! :D
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6 yrs ago (Edited 6 years ago)
I Might definitely play this.
This Mod is very fun!

If you want to train your self with using this mod

Go to LVL 2 and go to the highway / expressway and use either the Family Sedan or Cletus PickUp Truck (beacuse with its very poor speed & fair handling)
Updated to be more multiplayer-friendly. If you don't normally play multiplayer, you won't need to update.
It's good, SomeBot.
I don't even wanna know how hard it is with one hit cars-