View lmlm files
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Facu Hello, I wanted to modify the rsd files of a mod to pass it to my language however the mods come in lmlm, how can I extract it?
Hello, I wanted to modify the rsd files of a mod to pass it to my language however the mods come in lmlm, how can I extract it?
[deleted user] Mods can be decompilable, or not decompilable
If the mod's decompilable, simply RMB it in the mod launcher and select "Decompile", if it's not decompilable - sorry, it's not g
Mods can be decompilable, or not decompilable
If the mod's decompilable, simply RMB it in the mod launcher and select "Decompile", if it's not decompilable - sorry, it's not gonna be possible to decompile it then
If the mod's decompilable, simply RMB it in the mod launcher and select "Decompile", if it's not decompilable - sorry, it's not gonna be possible to decompile it then
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Colou While it's not possible to edit compiled mods, it is possible to make a separate mod that overrides the main mod and make modifications to it. In order to do this, you will first need to find the
While it's not possible to edit compiled mods, it is possible to make a separate mod that overrides the main mod and make modifications to it. In order to do this, you will first need to find the internal name for the mod which you want to override. You can do this by opening up the mod, taking a screenshot (F12) and opening the screenshot directory. The screenshot folder will be named whatever the internal name of the mod is. Then, in your own mod, add this to meta.ini:
Of course replace "InternalName" with whatever the internal name actually is. This will allow your new mod to not conflict with the other mod, and you can override the files.
Now, to actually make it work with another language, you can use "CustomFiles.ini" (if you haven't made it then do so) to redirect dialog.spt to whatever file corresponds to your language. The formatting for the filename is 'dialog' followed by the first letter of whatever language the game is in. So, for example, the French version of the game would use "dialogf.spt"
So, then add this to "CustomFiles.ini
Again, replacing "dialogf" with whatever letter it should be.
Hopefully this helps, and I apologize for any mistakes as I did this entire post during my lunch break at school.
Of course replace "InternalName" with whatever the internal name actually is. This will allow your new mod to not conflict with the other mod, and you can override the files.
Now, to actually make it work with another language, you can use "CustomFiles.ini" (if you haven't made it then do so) to redirect dialog.spt to whatever file corresponds to your language. The formatting for the filename is 'dialog' followed by the first letter of whatever language the game is in. So, for example, the French version of the game would use "dialogf.spt"
So, then add this to "CustomFiles.ini
Again, replacing "dialogf" with whatever letter it should be.
Hopefully this helps, and I apologize for any mistakes as I did this entire post during my lunch break at school.
Facu thank you very much for your help :-) I am very grateful
thank you very much for your help :-) I am very grateful