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Springfield Noire 2: Reinvestigated [Discontinued]

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[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Thanks for your suggestions! We're aiming at a more "detective-y" and Noire-like music, so, I don't really think we'll change the Sunday Drive themes for any of the levels
We do consider using some of the Sonic OST in Bonus missions and street races though, and I think the ones you suggested may even fit a specific mission!
After a hiatus for a few months or so due to a move and new job, I've finally gotten back into playing SHAR. I tried this mod today and I like it. It's very different in game play and concept from anything else I've seen on here. I also like the idea of an original character in the Simpsons universe. Instead of playing as a known Simpsons character, with its own backstory, life, moods, attitudes, an OC can be anything the player wants it to be.
I downloaded this mod with the fix included and could not open it.
If you could send the lmlm directly It would be very helpful.
I see a lot of future in this project
I assume you had troubles unzipping the file, right?
Unfortunately I can't send the LMLM directly, since it's filesize will drastically increase
I recommend you to download 7Zip (or any other programm that supports operations with .7z extension), and use it to unzip the archive
I always used winrar with all the mod files and it worked perfectly for me but this is the only mod that presents me with problems.
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Most of the mods use either regular .zip acrhives, or .rar archives, and WinRar deals with both perfectly fine
WinRar, however, can't interact with .7z archives. I think that .7z is probably one of the best archive formats, since it's faster to unzip, and the compressed filesize is not awfully big
I'll still release a .zip version of the mod in a couple of minutes though
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
Added a link to the .zip archive
I know this my seem a bit late but i just played the demo and MAN, nice one putting the Detroit Become Human music in the missions. When I first heard it i couldn't stop laughing!! :)
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
I just had a feeling that D:BH music would perfectly suit the mod (Mainly Connor's soundtracks, since most of them are energetic and action-based), so yeah, putting them into SNoire was a pretty neat choice
This post has been removed.
5 yrs ago (Statistics)