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I need a MOD to get coins

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I need a MOD to get coins, ,for example if the wasp cameras or the buzz cola boxes were unlimited, I don't care, I just need a lmlm to get coins

Thank you so much for everything

Moved to Mod Requests board from Donut Mod board - Max W.

[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
You don't need a mod, there is a hack under the settings tab called "Starting coins", just open it's settings and set any value you want. Just be careful though, setting the coin counter too high may crash the game
Or, alternatively you could just use UnlockAllRewards hack
or use Cheat engine
No offense, but your mod demand really brings hatred towards you, at least from me. It's just rude to be demanding mods if you can't make them yourself. If you want to see some sort of mod, just ask NICELY any mod developer in community, don't be demanding and rude.
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
I don't think that was the intent of OP, especially considering the "Thank you so much for everything" bit at the end.
Thank you all for your answers.

1. Gordon, I have already tried the starting coins and it doesn't work, I don't know why
2.Madame, I don't have that intention, if there is such a mod, perfect, but otherwise, nothing happens
3. Thanks Max, as you say
The mod probably "isn't working" because you haven't set the amount of Coins to start with in the Mod Settings. Select the mod in Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher, and click the "Mod Settings" box:

A small window will appear which allows you to set the desired amount of Coins to start with. Set this, enable the mod, and then launch the game.
DeepFriend, I've already tried what you said, and it still doesn't work, I have tried different amounts but when I access the game it does not show the coins that I set in the MOD

Anyone know why?

Thanks you very much
Bit of a simple one but what the hell, it worth a shot. Did you tick the box to activate it? Not the favorite box the box to the left of the mod on the main launcher.
Tappie2019, Yes, I activated the box, it is simple but it was an option, I have activated that box, I have adjusted the MOD, and still, it does not work, what happens ?, maybe there is a mod of the ones that I have activated that makes it not compatible