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Level 2 Map Tweaks

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So you may have noticed the map in SNoire has some changes to it and I have decided to release these map changes as their own stand alone mod resource so that you can use them in your mod if you so wish want to do so.

This includes...
  • Fixed potholes/broken roads
  • Added new road nodes onto those repaired roads
  • Edited road nodes to allow traffic to drive through areas they couldn't do before for seemingly no reason by the hospital
  • Finished construction in the construction site, It is now a beautiful flat complex that you can drive through
  • Replaced the dirt ramp to the flats/"Construction site" with a firetruck (Dont ask how long it took to get the angle of the ladder right to you can make the jump)
  • Added brand new areas to explore, such as some new open space and hidey-hole in the trainyard, jumping the dumpster behind the carwash to get in the back alley#
  • Removed the highway crash (Done by Colou) and gave it road nodes (Done by Gordon CMB) so traffic can pass through

In regards with the LBSC Interior, Everything wqas either modeled by me or was taken from the game itself except for...
  • The gun which was modled by Homer (or Dr Bison)
  • The knife was modeled by AssFairy
  • The money on the table was modeled by Colou
also the collision by the table is weird, this is because i did try to give the table cylinder collision with a flat top but radical said "no" and the collision didnt work so its just some rotated cube collsiions, Its not much of a difference still.

Here are some Screenshots

Can I use this in my Mod?
Yes, you may. It is decompilable and you should know how to put it into your mod

Who do I have to credit?
If you use this mod resource you MUST credit at least...
  • Me (Stevens100) who modeled most of the models
  • Gordon CMB who did all the road node making
  • Colou who removed the highway wreckage and was kind enough to let me compile it into this
If you do not credit at least these people then I... I will do something

Does it come with those rad Fat Tony models in those screenshots?
The Fat tony model is NOT in this however you can download the model along with some other characters here

Is it both level 2 and 5
No, it is just Level 2, Me and Gordon are working on porting these changes to level 5 and once we have done that and are happy with it we will update the download link and thread here. We also plan on giving L5 some extra tweaks B)

If you have any problems or found a bug or think something can be improved please do tell me either on this thread, however if the thread is pretty low dont bump it up, just DM me on discord or something.

Made by CMB Union

Downloading the 7Zip download will be a faster download since 7Zip compression > Zip compression

I'm sure this nice mod resource will help a lot of people, great job Stevens! and the Union too :p
Great job to the 3 of you! The working new Expressway roads will be very useful.
Good job! I like it.
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)

LBSC had a funny easter egg that looks like a camera angle bug
Okay Duffhause Can You Make Level 3 5 And 6 Map Tweaks Please
If you read the thread, you will see it is in the making,
We are currently waiting for Snoires full release before we release l5
Well then, I actually made a clean version of Level 2 Map Tweaks

See for yourself

What you think, do you like
Looks great dude, krusty glass is a good idea ))