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Waluigi Pinball - Custom Map

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A fan favourite Mario Kart course - now in The Simpsons: Hit & Run!

Video (Click to Open)

  • Fully custom map featuring working roads and pinballs
  • 2 different missions - a time trial, and a race against Waluigi
  • Multiplayer support. Play as both Wario & Waluigi, drive the B-Dasher, or even a pinball!
Known Bugs
  • Completing the Waluigi race or cancelling causes the Waluigi NPC to disappear forever - quit to main menu and then resume game to avoid this from softlocking!
  • Car windshields will 'see through' the floor of the pinball area
  • Many Hit & Run characters clip through the seat B Dasher, because the car was designed for Waluigi's proportions
  • The B Dasher also handles terribly because it's so small
  • Positional sounds play mainly through the left audio channel. No idea why

Screenshots (Click to Open)

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5 yrs ago (Statistics)
As long as this is done purely for proof of concept purposes and it gets us closer to ModelBuilder release..
@Weasel On a stick Well, it was done to help beta test the Model Builder, so yes in a way?
I tested this map and it's time for super amazing reviews!
Review here (You can't improve if you deny your own flaws)
t things first, and, starting off pretty nitpicky - The Waluigi pinball logo is a nice JPEG, could probably vectorize it so it looks better though
Now, the physics are awful, not gonna lie, they kinda ruined the experience for me. If you are trying to import a map from one game to another - make it enjoyable, note the difference between two games and keep it to a bare minimum. Regular SHaR cars feel heavy and are too big for the map, and the fact that there's no phonebooth to swap the cars just makes things worse. You can't fix a car if it's damaged or access new(and practically any) vehicle
Secondly, the bugs, there's a lot of them. Instead of putting a warning that the game can softlock - you could've fixed the softlock but nah. It's easily fixable by making the mission impossible to cancel. Secondly, the B-Dasher handling, it's bad, but hey, it can be easily changed in just a couple of seconds! You decided not to though, oh well. Same goes for characters clipping through the seat - ever heard of SetCharacterScale?
Sorry if I'm being rude or aggressive here, this mod just seems to me like a "Hey everyone I have the model builder and I can do stuff with it!" message, and I'd say nothing if it was stated that the mod is in a beta testing state, but the only reference of the word "beta" on this thread - is you saying that the map was done to help beta test the model builder, sooooo, yeah
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5 yrs ago (Edited 5 years ago)
Gordon, I'll repeat what I said to Stevens:
Colou was given access to the Model Builder to test its capabilities and find issues in it. This mod went above and beyond to find issues and to successfully port a map to SHAR using it. The map came out fantastic, especially within SHAR's limitations. While I can understand its frustrating because "He has something I don't!" mentality is kicking in, he was given this role and has excelled in it by being punctual, polite and an adequate tester. There is no gloating; there is not even a mention of the Map Builder in the release thread. We had no rules against releasing anything made using these tools we give our QA team. These tools will inevitably be released to the public when both documentation and the tools are fully done. During this project, Colou had to refer to Loren specifically to do quite a lot because the documentation is not finished. We're working on it and the working process involves making test mods. Not to mention that sometimes releasing mods used with these tools can be used to see if the general public can find issues with said mods.

Jake Andreøli

Yeah, sorry, I had a pretty s***** day IRL so that might have influenced the review and I'm really sorry if I do in fact look aggressive
Still, Colou's a pretty good modder and I know he can do better. The mod itself seems a bit rushed, considering there's quite a lot of bugs in it that make it worse but could've been fixed almost in an instant, again, if we were told that the mod is in a beta state - I would've stay silent, but nothing seems to point that fact out

EDIT: There was also a guy who helped with the bugs, and it seems that he provided valuable information, what happened to him? Why's he banned?
Alright, I suppose I should probably respond to this.

The Waluigi pinball logo is a nice JPEG, could probably vectorize it so it looks better though
If you're talking about the logo in the map itself, it was ripped directly from the game files, so it's the highest quality it could possibly be. For the post banner and the license screen, I used Waifu2X to upscale the logo, which wasn't perfect, but an improvement.

As for vector art, I know basically nothing about doing that so the results would probably look pretty eh honestly.

Now, the physics are awful, not gonna lie, they kinda ruined the experience for me.
As I said in the discord server, there's hardly anything I can do about the physics. Mario Kart and SHAR are very different games, so it's pretty much a given that it won't be a perfect transition.

SHaR cars feel heavy and are too big for the map
If I made the cars any bigger then the course would need to be ridiculously big (which would feel really weird and I'd no doubt get complaints about it being too big). I instead went for a much more accurate scale based on the character sizes, which makes the course much more managable. I mean, really, what would you expect if someone took a fully sized vehicle and drove it on a go-kart track?

the fact that there's no phonebooth to swap the cars just makes things worse
The map was designed with Multiplayer in mind, and in multiplayer you can use Shift+F4 to open the phonebooth anywhere (and when you play this mod in multiplayer, a message will appear on the title screen that tells you that you can do that). I decided to do that instead because there wasn't really any good places to put a phonebooth since there aren't any pavements or anything. As for singleplayer, you can just enable cheat keys if you really want to access different vehicles, but I designed all the races to be beaten with the Family Sedan so that's the only vehicle you really should be using. If you break it, just find a wrench or reload the level.

Instead of putting a warning that the game can softlock - you could've fixed the softlock but nah. It's easily fixable by making the mission impossible to cancel.
You assume that I'm just too lazy to fix the bug instead of considering the fact that maybe I just can't fix it.

Part of the reason this mod took as long as it did to release was because I spent so much time trying to fix the softlock. I tried everything I could think of - adding a new NPC, hiding the model instead of removing it, shortening the name of the NPC, but nothing worked. If I add a new NPC at the end of the mission, the game treats it as a completely seperate NPC to the streetrace vendor (even if I add the "b_" prefix to it). Sure, it would visually fix the bug, but I felt that having a softlock that is totally invisible to the casual player is much worse than having an obviously broken bug.

As for making the mission impossible to cancel, that wouldn't have solved a thing because the bug still happens regardless, so I would essentially be restricting the players options for no reason. Plus, in one of your Cine-mod sins videos, you complained in all caps about me disabling mission cancelling even though I did it to fix a bug.

Secondly, the B-Dasher handling, it's bad, but hey, it can be easily changed in just a couple of seconds! You decided not to though, oh well.
It's not that I "decided not to", it's that I'm just not good at making CON files. Every time I made a change to the CON file that I thought would improve it, it just made it worse. So please, do tell me what this quick fix is that would solve all of the problems "in just a couple of seconds!".

this mod just seems to me like a "Hey everyone I have the model builder and I can do stuff with it!" message
As Jake already said, I never once mentioned the Model Builder in this thread, nor did I boast about having it. I was asked to test the Model Builder, and so I tested the model builder. Why not make the result public so people can play it?
[deleted user]
5 yrs ago (Statistics)
For the logo - if you want, I can manage something in Corel, since I have some experience drawing my Discord pfps 10 times a day


I'm not saying the cars should be even bigger, I'm saying that the map should be bigger

Multiplayer, singleplayer, it doesn't matter, most of the users don't know that this combination even exists

Cinemod sins is a parody that shouldn't be taken seriously

Try editing center of mass, wheel turning angle, tire grip, suspension limit, anything. In fact, it would be better if you took a CON file of a similar vehicle and edited it, so that there would be less problems, let's say, quad bike?


I would certainly like to hear that story out