Forum Mod Bakery Docs

500 Bottles of Pop

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500 Bottles of Pop

I asked Loren approximately two-and-one-third human pregnancies ago if this violated the Mod Creator Rules and Guidelines and he said "nah" so here we are.
This mod replaces the soundtrack for L4M6, The Cola Wars, with I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers. Enjoy!

500 bottles of pop on the wall
500 bottles of pop
and if one of those bottles were to fall off there be...
two-and-one-third human pregnancies
I strongly dislike human pregnancies being used as a unit of time.
[deleted user]
4 yrs ago (Statistics)
I hear that song at my job all the time haha. One of the few songs the in-store radio plays that I actually like.