Hey everyone, I have another update for the Trick Or Treat mod. This fixes an oversight that caused car sounds to not work and adds an unused Halloween busted sound.
- Fixed an oversight where the car_tune.spt file was in the wrong place causing the custom cars to not have any sound.
- Added a feature to use an unused Halloween Busted sound in Homer's levels.
- Opened the original cutscene projects in some video editor and tweaked clothing colors to match that of the custom outfits (not really).
- Fixed a crash in L2M4 and L6M2 that occured when Use Level 7's Traffic in Every Level was enabled.
- Fixed an oversight where the Street Race, Car Shop, and Ambient NPCs were not added in Level 6.
- Added a space to a comment on Line 58 of Level 7's levell.lua file.
- Removed CurrentLevel variable from Level Load files (since the feature it was intended for does not work as planned).
- Fixed a crash in L4M1, L4M7, and L5M6 that occured when the Cop Car setting was set to Hearse or Ferrini - Black.
- Fixed a crash in L1SR2, L1SR3, L2SR2, L2SR3, L3SR2, L3SR3, L4SR2, and L5SR2 that occured when Use Level 7's Traffic in Every Level was enabled.
- Initial Release.
You can download the update from the SHAR Mods mods page.
Trick Or Treat 2015 1.4 Released (fixes another oversight and adds a new feature)
Posted in Announcements
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Loren Hey everyone, I have another update for the Trick Or Treat mod. This fixes an oversight that caused car sounds to not work and adds an unused Halloween busted sound.
- Fixed an o
TheHugeSimpsonsFan I though it was intentional that the custom cars had no sound...
I though it was intentional that the custom cars had no sound...
n8han11 Awesome! Now that I've been unbanned, I'm gonna check this mod out!
Awesome! Now that I've been unbanned, I'm gonna check this mod out!
sephiroth399 heyy is this a mod that changes all the missions in the game? thank you.
heyy is this a mod that changes all the missions in the game? thank you.
Loren No. It just adds some new Halloween themed costumes and cars.
No. It just adds some new Halloween themed costumes and cars.