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Trick Or Treat 2015 1.4 Released (fixes another oversight and adds a new feature)

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Hey everyone, I have another update for the Trick Or Treat mod. This fixes an oversight that caused car sounds to not work and adds an unused Halloween busted sound.


- Fixed an oversight where the car_tune.spt file was in the wrong place causing the custom cars to not have any sound.
- Added a feature to use an unused Halloween Busted sound in Homer's levels.
- Opened the original cutscene projects in some video editor and tweaked clothing colors to match that of the custom outfits (not really).

- Fixed a crash in L2M4 and L6M2 that occured when Use Level 7's Traffic in Every Level was enabled.

- Fixed an oversight where the Street Race, Car Shop, and Ambient NPCs were not added in Level 6.

- Added a space to a comment on Line 58 of Level 7's levell.lua file.
- Removed CurrentLevel variable from Level Load files (since the feature it was intended for does not work as planned).
- Fixed a crash in L4M1, L4M7, and L5M6 that occured when the Cop Car setting was set to Hearse or Ferrini - Black.
- Fixed a crash in L1SR2, L1SR3, L2SR2, L2SR3, L3SR2, L3SR3, L4SR2, and L5SR2 that occured when Use Level 7's Traffic in Every Level was enabled.

- Initial Release.

You can download the update from the SHAR Mods mods page.
I though it was intentional that the custom cars had no sound...
Awesome! Now that I've been unbanned, I'm gonna check this mod out!
heyy is this a mod that changes all the missions in the game? thank you.
No. It just adds some new Halloween themed costumes and cars.