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Project: Hit And Run Remake

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Not to be rude, but no that isn't going to happen.

  1. EA would not be the ones you need to get approval from.
  2. Disney would be, and we've contacted Fox/Disney lawyers in the past when we wanted to do this.
  3. We were told not to get in the way of their business and there will be no problems.

Also if you want to include images on your thread without needing to click on the link, you should do this:
hi Jake, not rude at all.

very grateful for the advice :)
Been sitting on a comment for about a week, I've subscribed to the thread and have been religiously checking in to see how progress is going! I wanna say thank you and I think what you are doing is so great! I have some Unity knowledge myself, have been meaning to sharpen my tools though with the holidays just passing, I guess I've fallen behind with progress. Being part of this community, I've always questioned why someone hadn't attempted the idea that was practically the elephant in the room. I can't praise the project and work you are doing enough, coming from a fan who played the game as a child on repeat, I've seen some prototypes here and there by others, but your agility and determination to take on a huge concept is really exciting!

Anyways... enough of me fangirling LOL! I would love to comment on some of the things I've seen by you over the past week! It is really great you are taking player comments/feedback into consideration!

General Questions

  • Discord - So when I saw this, I immediately searched for you over on the Donut Team Discord, though I'm not sure if you are under a different name, or are not apart of it! You should open up a Discord server for those interested in the project, I would love to just talk or DM you ideas, as the forum isn't entirely the best way to have small talk.
  • Art Style - I see you've got a cartoon/cel-shaded style, really looking nice, but just wondering if what you've shown are just blockouts or final? Hopefully that isn't too rude to ask, that may just seem like I can't distinguish the difference! A few of the textures could be touched up (roof, house textures, etc).
  • Demo/Pre-Alpha Build - Really would love to do some small QA testing, any ideas on when you'll release a playable build, maybe for us all to test out mechanics, report bugs, give feedback on controls, etc. I read you were close to finishing the player controller, so looking forward to an update! :)
  • Help? - I'm sure many in the community would love to contribute to the project, would there be a chance you'll open up to that?

Game Related Suggestions

  • Missions - Do you think they will be identical to the original, or vary? I feel the original game really only has like 4-5 mission types (follow, run, smash, collect, race, etc). Would there be more than these with technical advances? I think it would be great to have special missions, such as "sneaking out of the house when marge is sleeping", and there could be a mechanic of being able to "sneak". Bart, Lisa and Maggie could be awake, though your mission would be to not make them notice with their doors open. Inspired by GTA 5! Additionally, having some dialogue, though I'm sure you'll have to look through the show for snippets of show dialogue.
  • Characters - Playable characters, I don't know how many you'll go with, I assume 2-4. If you go with more/others.. Moe, Smithers, Apu, Ned, Skinner, etc. could all be good suggestions!
  • Expanding Springfield - I've seen the pictures, and you've got a good amount going! From the Donut Shop image, I can see you are going for a similar resemblance to the original layout. Do you think there will be more gag's and references to the show? Something I feel H&R missed out on is showing off the Springfield Mall, really iconic and would've made a great addition to mission/storyline of the game. They did reference in Road Rage, though I don't think their take on it was entirely accurate (from memory). Eg. Springfield Mall, Grey Hound Racing Grounds, Cemeteries (better version), etc.

Sorry for the hard-hitting questions, hopefully it wasn't too much. I don't want to discourage or overwhelm with pressure! You are doing such a great job so far, would love to see updates as I sure am eager to see what you have achieved! Otherwise, keep up the good work! :)
hi, kandee.

first let me apologise for the late response been busy working on the project pretty much non stop. now to answer some of your questions...

I haven't started a discord yet but am 100% considering it, would love to get ideas and feedback.

Art style:
at first i wasn't sure about the shading of the materials but i'm starting to like it, i wanted to go for a similar look to the show rather than a stylised look of the original game but didn't want it to be completely cel shaded like the simpsons game. but i am planning on experimenting with outlines and maybe adding a setting if people have a split opinion.

pre alpha demo:
the character controller is almost pretty much done, got it to a stage i was happy with the re wrote all the code and made it cleaner so it's easier just to add new things if i need to.

there isn't much playability at the moment just a little testing sandbox of sorts, with collectibles and things for testing.

and yes all the models and textures are not final and they are just the basic shape to block out the map and will all be improved in an asset pass a little later on.
i have already improved a couple of houses and started some of the textures i'm just trying to strike the right balance between asset creation, level building and coding the mechanics.

Map Changes and Characters and Missions:
the goal is to create a fully connected map but with new locations, but i'm not going to reveal to much just yet.

only the original playable characters are going to be added... for now.

missions are planned to be the same again... for now.

and defiantly new gags and vehicles and outfits.

there will also be some easter eggs that won't be apparent but will be unique references and...impacts ("there's something strange with that SoP sign") < credit to anyone who gets this>

Hello dear NukedApple. I was just coming to talk to you about a little map mod. (that you could use for inspiration). It is created by Colou. is a mod that unites the first world with the second, and third. I don't know if it could help you in something, but I hope it gives you an idea of ​​how you could unite the worlds.

Regards my friend.
hi, AnsMaximuz20. i'm aware of the great work colou is doing, im just changing the layout a little bit for new mechanics that i think would go... swimmingly :).
Any updates on the project?
hey Kandee,

i would love to give some updates... just not yet be busy doing other things but have started applying more time on the project again recently.

i have a lot of things to tweak, then i maybe able to show footage of the tutorial mission and show off the first level.

hopefully in a week or so :)
Homer walks like he's depressed. I feel him.
looool yeah he kinda dose, and i kinda feel him too.

probably obvious but animations not my strong point lol.
i'm currently redoing all of the animations and character models, but for now i'm using the original anims and character models on a temporary basis until mine are all done.