After a head-on collision with a local felon that's infamous for his Valley Boy accent, family buffoon Homer Jay Simpson finds himself in a bit of a pickle. He has absolutely no car insurance or moneys to cover the damage, and the man he ran into is growing impatient. Fearing for his life and not to upset Mr. Jailbird (and Marge), Homer begins searching around town for a 'get rich quick' scheme.
As fate would have it, Homer runs into a dork testing a new virtual reality game based off of Springfield, with a sizeable bounty for anybody insane enough to head inside. Said virtual reality program is capable of generating a unique atmosphere per 'Level'. However, it's still very much an early beta, as there's no way to safely leave the game after entering it...Unless it's completed! Fortunately, the poindexter is 50% certain it's completable in it's current state. That's like...nearly half a chance of surviving!
All Homer has to do to clear the game is to find the delicious Golden Donut hidden in every Level. Figuring he has nothing to lose, Homer heads inside the virtual reality game to beta test it, find the donuts, and come out a hero to himself. Can he do it?
This mod is something I started creating in my free-time while looking into a potentially cleaner way to do 'subtitles' for mod dialog. Realizing I wasn't constrained to do a mod plot that relied on sentence mixing or looking for pre-existing dialog, I decided to create a Simpsons mod based on a plot/idea I had on the backburner for ages. The mod as a whole is really just an excuse to design completely custom missions in the vanilla game maps, but I tried to add some pizazz in order to better incentive the player to try it out. As such:
- The mod really isn't focusing on nods towards the show.
- Each Level will make use of the vanilla game maps with some re-texturing shenanigans.
- The Connected Map mod by Colou will likely not be used at all (at least for the Levels that have fairly finalized plans). It'd be far too much additional texture work for each Level and the missions were designed/written with the vanilla maps in mind.
- Brand new Levels!...Erm, brand new re-skins of existing Levels! While you'll be exploring the same tired 'n' true maps, they've been reskinned to have a unique theme and atmosphere to it. Explore a cartoon Evergreen Terrace, a 16-bit-esque Downtown Springfield, and more!
- Unique car skins per Level! That's right! Your car's appearance will change in each Level to better suit the environment. That's certainly a good excuse to explore the maps and find some additional cars to purchase or win, right?
- 5 Story Missions in each Level, with Bonus Challenges and a unique Bonus Mission in each! That's a whopping total of 9 Missions in each Level...which is almost 10!
- A gripping self-contained plot in each Level that's sure to hold your interest for...5 Story Missions.
- A built-in 'Free Roam' option as a reward for beating all Story Missions! If you warp back to a Level after clearing it, the two empty mission slots will change into a free roam option that allows you to explore the map at your own pace to find the remaining secrets. No HUD icons in sight!
- New Data Cards with graphics shamelessly stolen from Sonic Battle...which also help towards 100% completion of each Level! Certain cards can be viewed and have different text each mission that give hints as to where the collectibles are. No more looping the Levels for ages trying to find that last Card or Wasp. Perfect for preserving your sanity!
- 15
WaspsFrink Flies in each Level! - Text-based dialog that can be skipped at the player's leisure!...You've already seen this, but it's what primarily got this mod off the ground.
Screenshots (Note: These areas are still a work in progress):
Yokel comin' through!
Close Encounters of the Awkward Kind!
Homer monkeys around near Lard Lads.
Riveting dialog! Exposition! Exclamation points!!!
Download Link (Latest Release ~ 1.66):
Google Drive
(Fixes an issue I just now noticed with the Family Sedan phonebooth model being screwed up.)
Spoiler: Previous Releases