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Virtual Frink-ality - Level 1 Demo Out Now!

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Nice first level that was!

btw, what was the song used in the last mission?
Had a play through earlier, this is top notch.
Nice first level that was!

btw, what was the song used in the last mission?

Thank you!

To answer your question real quick, it's one of the variations of Henchman 800's theme from Rayman Arena/M, just slightly edited to remove the intermissions:

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3 yrs ago (Statistics)
I really like the look of everything. That must have taken forever to do all that texture work! very cool.
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Thank you for the kind words! It definitely ended up being quite a bit of texture work, but I think the aesthetic ended up looking quite pleasing and owe a lot to Tappie for the recommendation. Some textures were done by hand due to the Road Rage E3 Prototype lacking the appropriate textures, but I tried to stay true to the simplicity and Comic Sans galore present in Road Rage. I'm definitely excited to tackle Level 2 when the time comes.

Good timing with your post as well! Was considering bumping this topic with a new update for the mod. Nothin' major, but I kinda rushed out the Level 1 demo to make the original 'birthday' deadline and made small changes here and there right before release. Wanted to update Level 1 to have a bit more polish as I think the current release feels a little half-baked. Introducing Version 1.65!

Spoiler: Changes in 1.65
  • Brand new license screen to replace that musky older one present at the start of the game! As an extension, CustomLicenseScreenTime is now a hack the mod uses so the player can read it before choosing to skip it.

  • Homer has a little bit of new dialog, taken from The Simpsons: Skateboarding and The Simpsons: Road Rage E3 Prototype (which also appears to source lines from The Simpsons: Wrestling). Mainly done to help make Homer's character more engaging as player's are likely already fairly familiar with most of his lines at this point.

  • Three new musical tracks have been added, replacing the Main Menu theme, Sunday Drive, and the Bonus Mission theme. Check 'em out!

  • All characters now have general 'gibberish' sounds for each one of the dialog stages. No more awkward silence assaulting your ear drums!

  • Multiple new textures have been added to Level 1 to better fit the 'Toon' aesthetic Level 1 is hoping to achieve.

  • All Mission Banners are now present and updated to match the 'Toon' aesthetic.

  • All Street Races, Costume Shops, as well as the Bonus Mission have been updated to have a death trigger surrounding them so the player cannot play them until L1M0 is cleared. This is done to minimize a technical limitation with SetStageCharacterModel where the current costume defined by this command do not carry over into new missions. The player's costume can still briefly change if they are to cancel L1M0 in the middle of it, but this minimizes the issue to a fair extent.

  • New default Family Sedan model, curtesy of Colou.

  • A new costume has been added to Level 1 for purchase! As such, prices have also been adjusted accordingly to accommodate for the extra reward.

  • L1M0 has been adjusted for some extra polish to add an extra sound effect, new costumes curtesy of Morgan Vain, and a couple of new stages!

  • L1M3's music has been adjusted in order to...actually include nick_intro and nick_main immediately, better fitting the mission as a whole.

  • L1BM1 has been nerfed slightly difficulty wise to use SetStageHitAndRun during the cutscenes at the gas station to reset the player's Hit & Run meter back to 0. This way, the Hit & Run meter being risen from previous stages does not carry over into the Armored Truck stages. I felt this was simply too much for a first Bonus Mission after the mission unfairly asks that the player avoids a Hit & Run - something the player is likely not used to.

  • The current demo's ending has been changed in order to allow the player to access the second Free Roam option legitimately. By extension, this also means that the player can now see all Frink Fly hints without having to resort to other mods or viewing CustomText.ini.

  • Credits have been modified to list all resources used (including new music track sources), as well as everyone who helped contribute to the mod's release!

You can go ahead and grab the latest release on the original post. Hope you all enjoy!
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Thank you for pointing that out! Really quickly went ahead and updated it accordingly.

Please let me know if you find any major bugs with this release that I might have overlooked as well! Hope you enjoy the update!
Real good job here Kenny. Some of the best retexturing work I've seen in this community!
Played through the Demo, had fun.

starting with mission one, the details like when you pick up the clothes and homer updates to be wearing them, i like that detail, collecting a costume and you unlock it at the end.

the data cards are fun to collect and i like how they give you hints to find more flies and cards. i did not know that they updated their descriptions between missions until later. cool idea.
once i learned about the card hints, i was opening up that menu a lot more! Got 7/7 Cards and 15/15 Frink Flies, the card hints helped find the out of the way flies.

the missions i enjoyed, felt they were a good challenge, yet not super easy. They give you enough time to get tasks done and don't feel unfair, good for Level 1. (i imagine the challenge mode is using the truck? haha).

mission dialogue screens are interesting. text box progression, cool! A Lot of time must have went into getting that to work.
Same goes for the UI Going with the VR theme. Consistent.

Mostly, I had fun driving around and exploring the re-textured level 1. It is fun to see how different everything looks. It almost seems like a different game.
Excited to see how this mod develops. Different Themes per level right? That is quite a task!
keep up the great work Kenny!