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Voice actor guy aka Trent McClure

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Hi, I’m Trent McClure

You may remember my father from such shows as The Simpsons and such info-mercials as Bald At 25: Can It Get Better? And Chopping Fruit with Rusty Knives

I’m here to introduce myself as a fresh creative on the scene. I was raised by the Simpsons, futurama, adult swim/boomerang/cartoon network and snl. Phil Hartman is the reason I exist as a creator.

I would love nothing more than to help in anyway shape or form when it comes to voice acting,writing, clipping sound bites, whatever I can do to help entertain. I really just want to help people laugh :)

Hope to here from someone soon,

With love and respect,

Tucker Mayo
Hey there! I'd love some help with voice acting for my mod, could you contact me on Discord? (ProEcho#0001)
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OH GOSH! I am just now seeing this. I messaged you on discord, and I am so open to helping in any way shape or form!!!