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My Response to the October 1st Incident

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Just like to note real quick, what happened to leaving the community and your messages a few nights ago?
[deleted user]
3 yrs ago (Statistics)
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Stop deflecting. Take responsibility for your actions, apologize to the community and move on. Grow a spine will you.
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I allowed a community member to say don't deadname me? We have already apologised for the incident of not being in DMs. I have no reason to apologise for letting a community member know she was being publicly deadnamed. We have no other reason to apologise. This is childish and the fact you take issue with what Mavis said and not the issue of deadnaming says a lot about you. Sorry!
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Honestly you say you have came to an understanding yet you come here to jump on accusing the moderators of inviting Mavis to harass you and that their actions were completely unsatisfied. Which is it?

It's already been accepted that in calm hindsight a DM would have been more appropriate but the message was left 8 hours without any reaction and the offence caused by deadnaming caused a frustrated reaction after that. So what else is the problem? Again deadnaming is *serious* and actively causes stress and harm in the individual. In the mind of Borb they were given a warning and didn't respond for 8 hours, hence the rather brash reaction. Follow up responses minimising the problem (there was no "I didn't realise it was against the rules" admission, in fact the claim was it wasn't deadnaming or a big deal, if the vocal complaints were about that maybe things would've come out differently) didn't help things either.

There's been a lot of calls from certain vocal people about moderators "accepting responsibility", even though the first post actually did accept mistakes. I've yet to see any reflection from the other side, or any indication they actually regret deadnaming, but I am happy to be proven wrong.

Also a reminder about the community guidelines, deadnaming violates rule 1 warranting an immediate permanent ban (although this was never proposed) as well as rules 3 and 4.

Also rule 2 forbids vote manipulation, but I'd hope nobody here would be doing that. :)
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Yet, moderation allowed, encouraged and happily stood by the 3 comments that made the situation escalate further.
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My post directly says its wrong, the other people involved have either left the community or are not interested in this pursuit when that was not the problem to begin with because this isn't the problem that these people have.
I allowed a community member to say don't deadname me?


Yet, moderation allowed, encouraged and happily stood by the 3 comments that made the situation escalate further.


Looks like allowing, encouraging and happily standing by someone escalating a situation.

EDIT: Lot of brigading happening in this thread, eh? Keep chippin' away at my karma gang, still got a lot left
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Two of said people came back, one even going out of their way to reactivate an account, to downvote and/or create drama. I wouldn't say that's leaving
Two of said people came back, one even going out of their way to reactivate an account, to downvote and/or create drama. I wouldn't say that's leaving


Ever considered they didn't voice their opinion and feelings because staff clearly doesn't give a f*** what the community has to say on any matter? Maybe they came back to join in with the fact that someone who at one point had a higher stature here is siding with them for how bulls*** this has been handled?
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Please read the full message again, I am not referring to today, I am referring to the day in question, at no point was any sign given that it was accepted deadnamign was wrong, quite the opposite, hence the inflamed tensions. Also I think you and I both are aware the claim "people involved have either left the community or are not interested in this pursuit " is untrue.

Mavis posts were to Thomas, who himself was inflaming the conversation because he wasn't involved in the original incident, and I get the impression you are correlating deadnaming to being told to a grow a spine, which I hope isn't the case. Also frankly being mildly rude in a way that wouldn't be out of character in the TV show/game this community is based on, in response to bigotry or defence thereof, doesn't strike me as the foulest of all crimes (SHAR reference for the fans here)

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5 of those people aren't mods, and they also kinda outnumber the number of people who don't approve, do they not?

There are some suspicious votes on this thread for sure, but it will be dealt with in time.