Should the "No Automatic Saved Game Load" hack receive an update, to prevent the "Loading this game will replace the current game in progress. Continue?" message from appearing when manually choosing a saved game to load on the main menu? I think that would seem fair... Although maybe include this as toggled on by default in the "Mod Settings..." button for the hack, if that becomes available to click on. Know what I mean?
Though, still no general update for Lucas's Mod Launcher even now. Yeah I know he may be busy with other things in his life and so on, but... Just mentioning this again, really. Don't know what else to speak of. (I hope he's OK, too...)
My idea...
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30978 Should the "No Automatic Saved Game Load" hack receive an update, to prevent the "Loading this game will replace the current game in progress. Continue?" message from appearing whe
mazzy Actually, some highlights on the new launcher update have been mentioned in our last week's blog, which you can find right here!
Actually, some highlights on the new launcher update have been mentioned in our last week's blog, which you can find right here!
Oh, OK.
The quoted post is unavailable.
Oh, OK.