Hey, everyone! I wanted to make an exciting announcement about a mod that I've been working on for a long time. It is a Latin Spanish translation mod for the game, which translates all of the ingame's texts as well as replacing the original audio clips from the game with similar ones from the Latin American version of the TV show, along with voice actors of the series who contributed lines for this mod.
Now you can enjoy this amazing game in your preferred language while following Bart, Homer, and the rest of the Simpson family on their adventures through Springfield!
Want to hear the characters in your native dub? You can do that!
I dedicated a lot of time and effort to this mod, and I am very excited to be able to share it with all of you, although it's still a work in progress. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for all your support!
This is also the first major mod, as far as I know, that is available for PC and consoles. I just think it's neat!
If you have any problems or questions during the installation, please do not hesitate to let me know and I will be happy to help.
- Fully translated and adapted game strings.
- Voice clips taken from the show that have been carefully selected so they make sense for the context in which they are used, ensuring a more authentic and immersive experience.
- Homer and various other minor characters such as Barney, Ralph, Willie, Moe, Nelson, Krusty, Lenny, and others have been fully dubbed using voice clips from the show. Some game movies have also been dubbed to provide a seamless and consistent experience throughout the game.
- Actual voice actors from the dub of the show helped in this mod, such as Ricardo Bautista, who was the voice actor for Kearney from seasons 16 to 31, and kindly contributed to this mod.
- Mod is available for PC, PS2, GameCube, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it accessible to a wide range of players.
For PC
For consoles
Changelog (PC)
- Added audios of Male Pedestrian 2.
- Added audios of Male Driver 2.
- Added audios of Female Pedestrian 1.
- Added audios of Female Pedestrian 2.
- Improved a couple of Lenny's audios.
- Removed AI-generated voices.
- Added mission difficulty selection, with original or increased time (by default it is increased).
- Added Frink's audios for missions and as a pedestrian, dubbed by the imitator Pedroski.
- Added Milhouse's pedestrian audios.
- Improved audios of boy pedestrians.
- Improved Homer's audios when asking for a ride.
- Added audios of male driver 1.
- Improved one of Homer's audios when almost crashing into a car.
- Fixed Homer's "there it is" audio in mission L1M7.
- Added Frink's gag in the main menu.
- Fixed the crash at the observatory on level 3/6.
- Added 15 additional seconds of time in missions L1B1, L5M5, L6M6 and L7M7.
- Fixed minor corrections and music in missions L1M7, L4M4, L5M1, L5M6, L7M6 and L7M7.
- Made minor corrections to vehicles using DeepFriedBurger's "Minor Fixes" mod (for example, the rocket in level 1 now has animations when entering).
- Added the song of the stonecutters in the tunnel of level 1/4, and fixed Kwik-E-Mart's roof song in level 7.
- Updated the "dialog.spt" file.
- Changed text from "DONUTS" to "ROSQUILLAS".
- Changed text from "MOZO DE LA GRASA" to "MOZO MANTECOSO".
- Updated the game credits.
- Added audio of various characters that were reused from the TV Show (e.g. Grampa Simpson's audio of "mi historia comienza en mil novecientos tijiri dos", among others).
- Improved Rumvoide's audio.
- Completed audios of Patty.
- Changed text from "Adolescente de voz de pito" to "Adolescente de voz chillona", among other minor corrections.
- Added audio of Lisa when hitting pedestrians on foot.
- Added audio of Lisa when her vehicle explodes.
- Added audio of Lisa when winning and failing a mission.
- Added audio of Bart when winning, failing, and starting a mission.
- Added audio of Bart when running.
- Added audio of Bart when running over pedestrians.
- Added audio of Bart when making a jump with the car.
- Added more varied audio of Homer.
- Improved audio of Bart when finishing the game tutorial.
- Added one audio of Skinner in the first mission of level 2.
- Updated game credits to include those who made this mod possible.
- Added back Willie's audio (removed by mistake in version 0.7.1).
- Improved audio of Homer.
- Improved audio of Barney.
- Added audio of gags in Barney's garbage container.
- Added audio of Homer and Marge in the third mission of level 1.
- Changed text from "Refigerador" to "Hielera" in the third mission of level 1.
- Added some audio of Bart when crashing, breaking objects, falling, entering and exiting the vehicle, and the "Yo no fuí" audio.
- Added audio of Pedestrian Man 1.
- Added Level 2 newspaper in Latin Spanish.
- Added some audio of Lisa, Patty, Quimby, and Skinner gags made by user Rumvoide (WIP).
- Added audio of Homer, Marge, and Lisa from the first two missions with voice synthesizers (audio from fakeyou.com).
- Unified text with the console version.
- Added Jebano Projects license video at the beginning of the game.
- Improved intro movie audio.
- Audio of gags in the Kwik-E-Mart.
- Improved and new audio of Gil when buying from him.
- New audio of Ralph when being hit.
- Improved audio of Homer when falling to the void ("salvame Jebus").
- Translated text of all cards in all levels and some missions names (thanks to user GamePuntoTV).
- Improved organization of text in "CustomText.ini", W.I.P. for now.
- Audio of Nelson 100% complete (for now with various voice actors).
- Improved intro audio (thanks to Humberto Vélez's 5.1 insert in a season 32 episode).
- Improved audio of Homer in the air, when accelerating, when crashing, when grabbing a card, when starting and winning a mission, when reaching a place, in races, and as a pedestrian.
- Missions names in the first level translated to Latin Spanish.
- Improved audio of Carl.
- Improved audio of Pedestrian Boy 1 and 2.
- Improved audio of gags in the main menu.
- Audio of Marge when in the air.
- Changed texts containing "jefe de policía Górgory" to "jefe Górgory", "pulsa" to "presiona", "ratón" to "mouse", "móvil" to "celular", "furgoneta" to "camioneta", and Spanish slang to more neutral ones (e.g. "has desbloqueado" to "desbloqueaste", "no te cargues" to "no destruyas", etc.).
- Remade audio of Homer, changed to more faithful ones or with better quality.
- Level 1, 3, and 4 loading newspapers in Latin Spanish (since the original game used Spanish slang).
- Introduction movie and level 1 movies in Latin Spanish (for now only Homer and the "The Simpsons" insert).
- Audio of Barney 100% complete.
- Audio of Krusty 100% complete.
- Audio of Ralph 100% complete (for now with various voice actresses).
- Audio of Lenny 100% complete.
- Audio of Carl 100% complete.
- Audio of Hans Moleman 100% complete (for now with various voice actors).
- Audio of Moe 100% complete.
- Audio of Willie 100% complete.
- Audio of Pedestrian Boy 1 100% complete.
- Audio of Pedestrian Boy 2 100% complete.
- Audio of gags in the main menu (except for Frink and Dr. Nick).
- Audio of Bumblebee Man left with its original English voice (it already speaks spanish).
- Some audio of Homer in missions.
- Improved some audio of Homer in free mode.
- Some audio of Ralph when hit or ran over.
- Some audio of Lenny.
- Audio of Agnes (cut character from the final version of the game).
- One audio of Barney.
- Audio of Homer 100% complete (WIP).
- Audio of Gil Gunderson 100% complete.
- Some audio of Bumblebee Man, Carl, Hans Moleman and male pedestrians.
- Changed texts containing "Kwik E-Mart" to "Minisúper".
- Audio of the first mission (WIP).
- Audio of Homer when pressing buttons.
- Audio of Homer when winning or losing a mission.
- Audio of Homer when entering or exiting a vehicle.
- Translated some cards in the first level and some vehicles.
- Changed texts containing "El rey de los Quitanieves" to "El rey de las barredoras".
- Audio of Homer when driving.
- Audio of Homer when having a conversation.
- Audio of Homer when finishing or starting a mission.
- Some audio of Homer.
- Level 1 newspaper.
- Changed texts containing "Homer" to "Homero".
Changelog (Consoles)
- Added audios of Male Pedestrian 2.
- Added audios of Male Driver 2.
- Added audios of Female Pedestrian 1.
- Added audios of Female Pedestrian 2.
- Improved a couple of Lenny's audios.
- Removed AI-generated voices.
- Ported the mod to the Nintendo Switch.
- Added the Latin logo in the game's start menu.
- Added Frink's audios for missions and as a pedestrian, dubbed by the imitator Pedroski.
- Added Milhouse's pedestrian audios.
- Improved audios of boy pedestrians.
- Improved Homer's audios when asking for a ride.
- Added audios of male driver 1.
- Improved one of Homer's audios when almost crashing into a car.
- Fixed Homer's "there it is" audio in mission L1M7.
- Added Frink's gag in the main menu.
- Fixed the crash at the observatory on level 3/6.
- Added 15 additional seconds of time in missions L1B1, L5M5, L6M6 and L7M7.
- Fixed minor corrections and music in missions L1M7, L4M4, L5M1, L5M6, L7M6 and L7M7.
- Made minor corrections to vehicles using DeepFriedBurger's "Minor Fixes" mod (for example, the rocket in level 1 now has animations when entering).
- Added the song of the stonecutters in the tunnel of level 1/4, and fixed Kwik-E-Mart's roof song in level 7.
- Updated the "dialog.spt" file.
- Changed text from "DONUTS" to "ROSQUILLAS".
- Changed text from "MOZO DE LA GRASA" to "MOZO MANTECOSO".
- Updated the game credits.
- Added audio of various characters that were reused from the TV Show (e.g. Grampa Simpson's audio of "mi historia comienza en mil novecientos tijiri dos", among others).
- Improved Rumvoide's audio.
- Completed audios of Patty.
- Changed text from "Adolescente de voz de pito" to "Adolescente de voz chillona", among other minor corrections.
- Added audio of Lisa when hitting pedestrians on foot.
- Added audio of Lisa when her vehicle explodes.
- Added audio of Lisa when winning and failing a mission.
- Added audio of Bart when winning, failing, and starting a mission.
- Added audio of Bart when running.
- Added audio of Bart when running over pedestrians.
- Added audio of Bart when making a jump with the car.
- Added more varied audio of Homer.
- Improved audio of Bart when finishing the game tutorial.
- Added one audio of Skinner in the first mission of level 2.
- Most strings in the NTSC version of PS2 are now in Spanish, except for half of the mission objectives.
- Fixed random English audio in NTSC versions of Xbox, GameCube, and PS2.
- Updated game credits to include those who made this mod possible.
- Improved audio of Homer.
- Improved audio of Barney.
- Added audio of gags in Barney's garbage container.
- Added audio of Homer and Marge in the third mission of level 1.
- Changed text from "Refigerador" to "Hielera" in the third mission of level 1.
- Added some audio of Bart when crashing, breaking objects, falling, entering and exiting the vehicle, and the "Yo no fuí" audio.
- Added audio of Pedestrian Man 1.
- Added Level 2 newspaper in Latin Spanish.
- Added some audio of Lisa, Patty, Quimby, and Skinner gags made by user Rumvoide (WIP).
- Text of cards, clothes, and mission titles in Latin Spanish for consoles.
- Loading newspapers in Latin Spanish for PS2.
- Spanish (Spain) language added, replacing German, for PAL versions of PS2 and GameCube.
- Added Jebano Projects license video at the beginning of the game.
- Added game movies in Latin Spanish for the PS2 version.
- Fixed "File not found" error for the NTSC version of PS2.
- Added some Latin Spanish text for the NTSC version of PS2 (I can't add all of them without the game crashing).
- Fixed crash when loading levels 2, 5, 6, and 7 on GameCube.
- Fixed English audio in NTSC versions of Xbox and GameCube.
- First version of the mod for consoles, based on version 0.7 from PC with exclusive audio for the first two missions using voice synthesizers from fakeyou.com.