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Complete interior of the Simpsons house 🏠🤩 (Mod/Resource)

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How did you get the 3d model and textures?
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The models 3D and textures models are extracted from the version of PlayStation 3 of "The Simpsons Game" 😉
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Can you teach me how to extract the models and textures from the ps3 version?
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A little lack of baked textures to my taste, but still great job!
Duuude this is amazing, but is there any way to make it compatible with fully connected map by Colou (and possibly it's variants) ?
Hello, I don't know if you still answer this post, but is there any possible way to make this compatible with the fully connected map mod?
Hello, I don't know if you still answer this post, but is there any possible way to make this compatible with the fully connected map mod?
It is not possible, since Colou's map uses the p3d file of the interior of the Simpson House moved to another location, and that makes it incompatible with the complete interior mod. 😓
Unless you internally delete the interior of Simpson's house from the entire map, and replace it with the interior of the mod, that would be possible 🙂
This is the kind of mods I love