cbkteejay https://i.imgur.com/kcvIqfE.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/zuq0uUp.png
I really enjoyed Donut Mod 3 and all the other mods on here.
Every time I have tried to launch donut mod 4 with the mod laun
I really enjoyed Donut Mod 3 and all the other mods on here.
Every time I have tried to launch donut mod 4 with the mod launcher, it fails to load every time (screenshots above).
All editions of donut mod work with my version of SHaR.
I have tried installing previous versions of donut mod 4 but none of them work.
I have supplied screenshots with the version verifier also.
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mazzy Hello there!
From the install verifier log, it appears that your copy of the game has a bunch of missing files and a bunch of mismatches. It also looks like you're using a "preinstalled&quo
Hello there!
From the install verifier log, it appears that your copy of the game has a bunch of missing files and a bunch of mismatches. It also looks like you're using a "preinstalled" crack, which I would not recommend.
Best thing you could do would be to reinstall the game properly.
I hope this helps!
cbkteejay Good afternoon, thanks for getting back to me.
All of the other donut mod varients such as donut mod 3 and 2 work perfectly.
How would i go about getting the game installed properly, i can only se
Good afternoon, thanks for getting back to me.
All of the other donut mod varients such as donut mod 3 and 2 work perfectly.
How would i go about getting the game installed properly, i can only seem to find cracks for SHaR
mazzy Getting it from Amazon would be your best luck.
Getting it from
Amazon would be your best luck.
EliasDR Do you have Discord? I can help you if you want
Do you have Discord? I can help you if you want
cbkteejay I do have discord. My username is CBK_TeeJay #4592.
I do have discord. My username is CBK_TeeJay #4592.