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Is there a Console Restoration Mod

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Has there been an effort to restore everything from the console versions (Vending machine near tire fire, fadeouts after race countdown text, high quality audio, the zero in bertram, drunk driving cheat code, and randomized texture chunks on the community sign and school sign)? I know there's the few options in the mod launcher (bug fixes, hover car refraction, lens flare).
As far as I know, people only had interest in restoring beta versions and none of those mods really made it any further from a few retextures.
randomized texture chunks on the community sign and school sign


There does exist a mod to restore those - link.

high quality audio


You can use the High Quality Dialogue mod by Colou to restore the Xbox version's dialogue, which is (at least to some degree) uncompressed.
drunk driving cheat code


I believe that's called Trippy, and was reliant on console-specific features in order to distort the screen. It coincidentally came up in a conversation with Lucas recently, and it was mentioned as something they'd like to do, but I don't know of any plans to try and replicate it any time soon.
What about Bart's voice overs during the tutorials and console controller button icons/prompts, can those be restored/added?