BigBritshBloke I'm trying to make a custom car using an .obj model I've downloaded. But I'm not sure how to go about it.
I'm using Blender 4.1 and I've imported the .obj file, where do I go
I'm trying to make a custom car using an .obj model I've downloaded. But I'm not sure how to go about it.
I'm using Blender 4.1 and I've imported the .obj file, where do I go from here?
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kRoLLiK Lucas Pure3D Editor can import .obj files. Right click on Mesh chunk you want to change and click "Import Model OBJ..." in the menu.
Lucas Pure3D Editor can import .obj files. Right click on Mesh chunk you want to change and click "Import Model OBJ..." in the menu.
Thank you very much for the answer. This solved my issue.
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Thank you very much for the answer. This solved my issue.