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Complete Italian Translation - Beta 1

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Ciao a tutti! - or, as Dr. Nick Riviera would say, "Hi Everybody!"

Dean here with a new project I have freshly made on a scrapped vanilla feature Radical was probably planning (as witnessed by the empty bible in srr2.p3d): An Italian localisation for the game.
As some OGs here might know, I come from Italy, so yeah, that's kind of a wet dream to be able to play my all-time favourite in my native language.

I know somebody else has did this before, but I wish to say, this is just my take of it.

I mostly have based myself on italian stuff in the show or other similar games like GTA for context about translating mission terms etc., but I've also added a quid of fantasy to it.


  • Beta 1 (2024-12-22) : Inital release. All text translated except for console-related messages and collector cards stuff.
  • Final version (Planned) : Collector cards translated.


Since the text bible is quite long, please feel free to participate to this thread if you encounter any forgotten lines and/or issues or - for any fellow italians out there - if you have suggestions for a better translation. Also, should I translate all the textures with english text (eg. billboards etc.)?

I hope you enjoy this, I know it's for quite few people but I still wanted to make it public. It is fully decompilable so that anyone can use it as a resource.


- Dean

Link updated, thanks to Just Danny on the Discord server for reporting the issue.