You'll need Python installed.Run the script ("CTComparer.py") and provide paths/encodings to two textbibles to compare (in the format "path;format", i.e. "C:/Test1.ini;UTF-8") as asked, then optionally do the same to create an output text file listing every exclusive/different string and the associated text(s). Exclusive/different strings are also printed to the console window, but without the associated text(s).
Command line use is supported: "CTComparer.py <in1_path> <in1_encoding> <in2_path> <in2_encoding> <out_path> <out_encoding>".
If errors occur, you'll be informed. You'll probably get an output error if the directory you're writing the output file to doesn't exist already.
The tool is compatible with plain-text CustomText textbibles or compatible text files, including:
- Ones exported from the vanilla game by the P3D Editor (always UTF-16).
- Ones found/used in mods (usually UTF-8, but could be UTF-16).
- Outputs from CustomTextSearcher (if you have one, you probably know what the encoding is).
The same parsing and output rules are used as in CustomTextSearcher. Strings aren't formatted in any way to appear like they would in the game, escapes and comments are supported, CustomText special section names become similar prefixes (leading to Variables counting as own strings-text pairs), etc.