The shapes of the doors are different and matched the damaged textures. Same goes for the textures for front lights and rear plate.
The trunk was more detailed and featured real-life vinyl albums and a disco ball. The mesh (BarTrunkStuff) was cut possibly in order for the merging tool to work more flawlessy or for copyright reasons. The textures are still in the homer_vInt.bmp chunk but severely downscaled in the final, while the previously mentioned file has a higher quality version of it.
Also, the hood texture had a mistake on it, even in the damaged texture, that didn't match the shape of it. I corrected that and moved the black line from the middle to the top of the exhaust hole, as it would be in any car. Radical, ain't it?
The only un-original thing are the non-damaged textures. I painted those myself, as close to the original as possible. I've also upgraded the phone booth image to accomodate the restored rear.
This is free to use. Credit me for it. ;)