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Fully Connected Map: Full Game Plus BETA

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@TheNachoman180 I only need one card at level 7 to complete the game 100% but I can't find it anywhere. I need to know the locations of the level 7 cards. Anyway the game is totally completable at 100% unless there is a missing card but I think I'm the one who can't find it.
Another one that was impossible to find is under the truck next to the die-n-save.
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5 days ago (Statistics)
Don't know if this has been said yet but I'd love to see support for the forced vehicle mod in the future. I feel like that would be a fun combo with this full map mod. In the meantime, I am loving this mod a lot as is.
The ai of the garbage truck in level 5 is a bit broken, in several occasions it collides with buildings or objects and can make you lose a lot of time.

PS: I don't know how difficult this can be but it would be nice to have an option to see the complete map of the levels.