Suggest Alternative Bonus Cars for Donut Mod
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Cars For Speed Maybe the "Trillhouse" recolour of Honor Roller becoming playable/findable at Level 3 in the Android Dungeon's rooftop.
Maybe the "Trillhouse" recolour of Honor Roller becoming playable/findable at Level 3 in the Android Dungeon's rooftop.
1561 General Lee found behind the train in level 5
General Lee found behind the train in level 5
BigFatDynamo Bit of a stretch, but since the theme of the new level 4 map is going to be "industrial zone", how about Red Barclay's truck from Maximum Homerdrive?
Bit of a stretch, but since the theme of the new level 4 map is going to be "industrial zone", how about Red Barclay's truck from Maximum Homerdrive?
cha0seight There's always the modded ambulance Homer made from that one Season 18(?) episode.
There's always the modded ambulance Homer made from that one Season 18(?) episode.
cha0seight How about a reskin/remodel of the Family Sedan based on the repaint in Homie the Clown? It could even have the 'speed holes' on the hood.
How about a reskin/remodel of the Family Sedan based on the repaint in Homie the Clown? It could even have the 'speed holes' on the hood.
Or how about this thing?
Or how about this thing?