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Pure 3D Editor Source

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Hi again, I'm not sure where to put this as I'm not really requesting a mod but..

Is the Pure3D Editor's source available for us to tinker with? If not, is there a way I can gain access to it? I'd like to add a faster way of importing multiple OBJ files into a P3D archive.

Thanks again.
Lucas doesn't have any intention of open sourcing any of his tools at this time.

Can you elaborate more on the feature you want though? Perhaps he can look into adding such a thing then.
I'm wanting to drag multiple files into the browsing window and have the models replace the models with corresponding names.

Is there a reason he hasn't open sourced his work?
I'm not fully sure why he doesn't, however he has stated to us on multiple occasions that he doesn't want to open source his projects to anyone. He make an exception depending on the request and to who.

I'll talk to him when he comes online. He's most likely asleep right now.
Alright, I was just curious.

Thank you both for all your help getting me caught up on the modding scene.
Anything you need, we'll try our best to assist! :)
I just have one last question for now haha.. Made a thread about it to avoid hijacking this one.

Appreciate it :)