How do you pin pictures to a post?
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Sonzai I know there was a question similar asking about attaching videos but I just made myself look like an idiot trying to attach images with that line of code...
I know there was a question similar asking about attaching videos but I just made myself look like an idiot trying to attach images with that line of code...
[deleted user] The formatting is Image URL Here, without any of the arrows.
The formatting is [<img>]Image URL Here[</img>], without any of the arrows.
This post has been removed.
This post has been removed.
....can you just do one for me... -_- It'll save my embarrassment
archieharrison you forgot the / in the last bracket ---->
you forgot the / in the last bracket ----> [/img]
Sonzai Oh my god, thank you...
Oh my god, thank you...