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Max's Simpsons Hit and Run All Missions Race

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[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Hey guys, it's Max once again.

Since people really took to my Wager Race competition, I thought it would be fun to do something competitive again. This time, it's a race to complete all of the missions in The Simpsons Hit and Run.

The Rules

-The racing period will start when I indicate (hopefully sometime before summer ends)
-Jake Andreoli's Competition Mod must be activated on your client throughout the duration of the race.
-You must start a new save file when the race starts.
--To finish the race, all Story Missions, Bonus Missions, and Street Races must be completed on the save file.
--To prove that this has been accomplished, you must submit a screenshot of the Level Progress screen with all the requirements met for all seven levels (Enter the race to find out how)
--No cheat codes or external cheating devices are allowed to be used.

To enter the race, private message me on Discord. To find me, join the Donut Team discord, and look for me under 'Moderators.' You can also contact me on Skype, on which my username is 'ballisticzoom.'

Remember, this is just a friendly competition, and shouldn't be taken too seriously or used to flame other users.

Hope to see many of you there! Until then, see y'all later.
This would be fun in a voice call or perhaps on a livestream race. A livestream would be a lot more coordination heavy though
We've decided on the race's Discord server that the race will be taking place this Friday. So if you want to join, now's the time!

Contact Max on Discord if you would like to be invited to the server and race (you can also spectate the race if you would like to).
The race took place today, and here are the results:

1st place: George "Gibstack" Fullerton (only one to actually beat the damn game)
2nd place: MACCA (DNF)
3rd place: Mike A.K.A. YoursDiddilyTruly (DNF)
4th place: Ted Depi (DNF)
5th place: Max Walker (game crashed, which Max will have nightmares about)

Pandaxletsplay started late, so it's hard to place him.

Anyway, more races and events will take place in the future, so PM Max or me on Discord if you want to join the Discord server. We plan to have another race this Sunday where we do all story missions of SHAR, and a third race will take place in the future where we play all three levels of Hellfish mode in Donut Mod.
Just a heads up: our racing Discord is having a Donut Mod: Hellfish race tomorrow where we do all story missions. Anyone who is interested may feel free to join the Discord; just ask Max or me.
Can we have the scoreboard from yesterday please?
Here are the results of the last race:

1. Max Walker (2:08)
2. George "Gibstack" Fullerton (2:12)
3. MACCA (2:38)
4. Mike A.K.A. YoursDiddilyTruly (2:39)
5. Pandaxletsplay (DNF)
6. Will Johnson (DNF)