Fluffy We're now accepting fan art for our Holiday 2016 event. To submit your fan art, please send us an email at fanart@donutteam.com.
Your email must include
Your Donut Team username and how yo
We're now accepting fan art for our Holiday 2016 event. To submit your fan art, please send us an email at fanart@donutteam.com.
Your email must include
- Your Donut Team username and how you want to be credited.
- Your fan art as a JPG or PNG attachment or a link to your fan art on a website such as Imgur.
The deadline is 20 December 2016.
What should my fan art include?
Anything that to do with Donut Team, we'd really love to see some Donut Bot art! She's really diggin' the art you guys make!
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Trainman84 So far as fan art, would this be like drawings, or other art, of scenes from the game, I could use a bit of clarification here.
I found a small Bart Simpson figure at Walgreens the other day, took a
So far as fan art, would this be like drawings, or other art, of scenes from the game, I could use a bit of clarification here.
I found a small Bart Simpson figure at Walgreens the other day, took a look down their toy aisle while waiting for a medication to be ready at their pharmacy, found a small Bart figure. recreating a scene out of Level 2 would be fun and very doable. Photos of that possibly?
Fluffy Anything goes! Just be creative with it. Photos, scenes, 3d models, drawings, all works :)
Anything goes! Just be creative with it. Photos, scenes, 3d models, drawings, all works :)
Ralimu Strilem http://image.prntscr.com/image/3a4612e7cee1402c9613c6b44e221bea.png