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Mission maker

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There should be a mission maker tool to make mission making easy.
i can't learn how to make them for the life of me!
You dont really need to know how to script missions from scratch, you can just copy parts from different missions and adapt them to whatever youre doing in your mod.
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Mission maker...That's will be really helpful...
I, too, feel like a program like that would be useful...and revolutionary lol. Actually, it would help many people.
A program in with you just look a SHAR map and add checkpoints, cars, etc.
Yes, it would be a nice idea......

However i think they are already working on it.
"However i think they are already working on it."

I can't remember them ever saying that they were working on a tool for this.

Anyway, I don't see the point in a tool like this; it's actually relatively easy to look in the original mission files, copy and paste parts and adapt them to your own needs.
I believe I remember reading through the forums and seeing a staff member saying they aren't going to release one, but I could be wrong.
We are not working on any such tool for this at the moment. We might consider it in the future but there's more important things for us to get done at this time.
I made something similar a while ago, however it just helps rather than makes the mission for you.
Such a tool would be very complex and hard to make for such a small community, and a mission creating GUI could never give you the flexibility and control that just coding it does.

(Not complaining about Chris' tool or anything, IDE != full out GUI)