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all in one

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did anyone ever thought about adding the 3 maps in a single one ?
[deleted user]
8 yrs ago (Statistics)
Kind of possible
Donut Team might do it
Never gonna happen.
Adding to what Jake said, it'd be pretty much impossible to do because:

- Each one of the maps would have to carefully be edited to stop the "never-ending loop" where each map is basically just one huge circle. It'd be difficult to edit each map to get rid of that so it branches off into another map naturally.

- Road node limits. The game's limit is pretty high, but the game does have a limit on these. These are very important to have on every road because without them, no traffic or AI could explore the map, and respawn points would be a lot more limited. This would make mission making super limited to the point where it wouldn't be very fun, sadly.

- I might be incorrect on this manner, but when the idea came up a while back there were concerns on the polygon limit. Much like the road nodes, the game has a pretty high limit, but three SHAR maps in one pretty much push that limit overboard.

Sorry to disappoint those who really want it, but sadly SHAR is a bit too limited at this time for anything to be done with the concept.
What about 2 maps put together idk :(
Probably not, no.
There's also the limitation of being unable to bake new lighting into the levels to make the lighting consistent in each of the areas and being unable to swap the sky out dynamically (and even if we could, somehow designing the new connecting areas that would have to me made to obscure this change from the player).

Most of the limits of the game can be worked around in the way the game already does (loading/unloading regions of levels) but as Kenny said the Road Node limits don't allow for these maps to be put together with all of their road data intact (albeit shifted around as the maps would overlap one another without being offset to new locations first).

Theoretically changing the Sky and increasing the memory restrictions on Road Nodes could be possible at some point but it's complicated and Lucas doesn't know how to do either of these things or really where to begin looking into it.