Hi everyone! I want to announce my first mod. Hence the title for the name.
This is gonna be about Smithers (yes, it's a Smithers mod)
The plot (incomplete)
Smithers tries to help Mr. Burns with something really important, but something bad happens because of Homer and his Stupidity. Will Smithers be able to finish the job?
Missions: Not planned
Costumes: Not planned
Levels: 2 (there is gonna be a level where you play as Burns, maybe idk)
And that's all I have for now.
I might update this when I start working on it. Maybe in February.
-ya champ, RSP205
Monty's Apprentice (Planned)
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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Mihai Ficiu Hi everyone! I want to announce my first mod. Hence the title for the name.
This is gonna be about Smithers (yes, it's a Smithers mod)
The plot (incomplete)
Smithers tries to help Mr. Burns
Hachamecha Tezuka-san Do you have a link for it?
Do you have a link for it?
HomerSimpson656 I love to Beta Test it for you
I love to Beta Test it for you
xUnknown I think he gave up on this idea, this is an old thread from January 2017, so I'm not sure what to say about it.
I think he gave up on this idea, this is an old thread from January 2017, so I'm not sure what to say about it.
Sid3300 Sounds awesome
Sounds awesome