Forum Mod Bakery Docs

Unused things

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In future Donut Mod releases, can you implement some unused stuff? Specifically..
-Price tag icon on this page
-Unused music here - such as using "Scarymusic01" at the cemetary on level 7, like it was supposedly made to be, and make the mission There's Something About Monty's 2nd half be failable, so that "land_of_choc_end_neg" will play. 
-When you crash into drivers, they would say phrases, like the ones listed, and possibly more (since they're generic people, you wouldn't need any voice actors :P)
-Chief Wiggum's dialogue "Suspect believed to be driving an airship of somekind", I feel like that could be used in an interesting way. Maybe even on Level 7 with the alien spaceship?
There's already a mod which adds pretty much all of the game's unused content. It's called the Restoration Mod.