In february status update they said that they will reveal a Teaser trailer
Bit there is not either
March status update?
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Dean In february status update they said that they will reveal a Teaser trailer
Bit there is not either
Fluffy In March, we will release a teaser trailer. It's coming this month. :)
In March, we will release a teaser trailer. It's coming this month. :)
LegendaryKaneki Gotta say I am hyped for the teaser trailer, It's going to be amazing
Gotta say I am hyped for the teaser trailer, It's going to be amazing
Dean Sorry, i typed that with my tablet.
I only wish to say that i am also excited for this new teaser trailer.
Sorry, i typed that with my tablet.
I only wish to say that i am also excited for this new teaser trailer.
I only wish to say that i am also excited for this new teaser trailer.