This mod removes the car wreckage near the Kwik-E-Mart in Level 1, however, unlike the Level 4 map Tweaks the firetruck with the ladder remains since it's awesome.
Changes since the beta release:
.Removed the cam when jumping over the scene, after smashing through the krusty glass.
.Removed the coin trail leading to the Krusty Burger roof.
.All vertex shading has been kept in this version.
.Removed the smoke sound.
.Added the firetruck siren (mesh) back in.
.Removed shadows on the road (vertex shading again)
.Removed the cams that used to pan out on the area of the wreckage whilst travelling by foot.
.This mod is now decompilable.
If there are any issues with the mod, please let me know on this thread.
DOWNLOAD : Level 1 Map Tweaks
Level 1 Map Tweak
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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Jay_mate This mod removes the car wreckage near the Kwik-E-Mart in Level 1, however, unlike the Level 4 map Tweaks the firetruck with the ladder remains since it's awesome.
Changes since the beta relea
Fluffy Very awesome!
Very awesome!