So today I am making a tutorial for how to add new car sounds. Credit to Mike on #SHAR-Mod-Help on the discord server for telling us how.
Firstly, you're going to need the following things:
- Lucas' RCF Explorer - For getting the scripts needed.
- Lucas' RSD Converter - For adding the sounds.
- A file editor (e.g. Notepad or even better Notepad++)
- Your mod
Step One:
Firstly you're going to want to set up some paths, so here are their names.
These are where the files you're going to use are going to go.

Step two:
First file we need is the actual car sound you are going to use. This file needs to be a 24000hz 16-bit mono WAV file to actually work without crashing your game. You can check this in the RSD converter when you actually import your sound!

You can extract an rsd file from carsound.rcf in your root game folder and then you can replace a sound with the import and save. Put this file into the directory: \CustomFiles\sound\carsound. You now have your car sound, but we are nowhere near done, yet.

Step Three:
Next we want the game to actually acknowledge that the file you just made exists, so we need a file from the scripts.rcf to add the file to your mod.

Go to scripts.rcf\sound\scripts and get the carsound.spt file, right click, extract and put it inside the CustomFiles\sound\scripts.

Next you need as said above, the game to acknowledge the game exists. So let's assume I'm using a file called crop.rsd.
Go to the bottom of your carsound.spt file. Do NOT delete any of the contents as all the cars in your game (including vanilla!) will crash, I repeat, will crash
Add this to the end of the file:
create daSoundResourceData named crop
AddFilename ( "sound/carsound/crop.rsd" 1.000000 )
SetLooping ( true )
Change the "crop" bit to the name of your file.
Save and now you have a functioning sound, but not quite!
You now need to go back to the scripts.rcf and grab car_tune.spt

Also put this inside CustomFiles\sound\scripts
Let's say we're adding sound for a car named circle. Now add this entry to the bottom of the car_tune.spt Again without deleting the contents
create carSoundParameters named circle
SetEngineClipName ( "crop" )
SetEngineIdleClipName ( "crop" )
SetDamagedEngineClipName ( "fire" )
SetHornClipName ( "snake_horn" )
SetReversePitchCapKmh ( 50.000000 )
SetReversePitchRange ( 0.600000 1.200000 )
SetIdleEnginePitch ( 0.320000 )
SetShiftPoint ( 1 0.010000 )
SetShiftPoint ( 2 0.660000 )
SetShiftPoint ( 3 0.945000 )
SetShiftPoint ( 4 1.000000 )
SetShiftPoint ( 5 1.000000 )
SetGearShiftPitchDrop ( 1 0.530000 )
SetGearShiftPitchDrop ( 2 0.610000 )
SetGearShiftPitchDrop ( 3 0.570000 )
SetGearShiftPitchDrop ( 4 0.410000 )
SetGearShiftPitchDrop ( 5 0.390000 )
SetAttackTimeMsecs ( 118.000000 )
SetDelayTimeMsecs ( 30 )
SetDecayTimeMsecs ( 252.000000 )
SetGearPitchRange ( 1 0.340000 1.710000 )
SetGearPitchRange ( 2 0.830000 1.800000 )
SetGearPitchRange ( 3 1.110000 1.600000 )
SetGearPitchRange ( 4 1.350000 1.630000 )
SetGearPitchRange ( 5 1.300000 1.540000 )
SetDecayFinishTrim ( 0.740000 )
SetDownshiftDamperSize ( 0.110000 )
Change crop to your sound name and circle to your car name.
Now go into your game and test out the car, making sure the car is properly set up.
It should work, now if you have any other issues, post in the mod help section or join the discord and go to #SHAR-Mod-Help!