[The Simpsons] Your thoughts on the DVDs coming back
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John What are you guys' thoughts on The Simpsons DVDs coming back? I'm super pumped
What are you guys' thoughts on The Simpsons DVDs coming back? I'm super pumped
Loren It's pretty awesome, I own quite a few seasons on DVD.
It's pretty awesome, I own quite a few seasons on DVD.
[deleted user] DVD's coming back? That's great!
DVD's coming back? That's great!
Dean i got many dvds of the seaons, particularly the first ones.
i got many dvds of the seaons, particularly the first ones.
Fluffy Added to your thread name.
I don't really care, i'm all about streaming now.
Added [The Simpsons] to your thread name.
I don't really care, i'm all about streaming now.
I don't really care, i'm all about streaming now.
Mike Interesting to hear they're getting back into the DVD market. I'm one of those weirdos that likes owning physical copies of things despite them being more expensive, although I've skipp
Interesting to hear they're getting back into the DVD market. I'm one of those weirdos that likes owning physical copies of things despite them being more expensive, although I've skipped out on every season after the ninth one.
Koopa I think it's pretty reasonable to prefer DVDs. With streaming, sure you "own" the ability to use the shows on some server, but who's to say the service won't get screwed over
I think it's pretty reasonable to prefer DVDs. With streaming, sure you "own" the ability to use the shows on some server, but who's to say the service won't get screwed over and randomly lose the licensing to the show? It happened to Futurama, with Netflix. Whereas with DVDs, you have a physical DRM-free copy that you own forever, and are free to do whatever you want with it. Plus, the Simpson Collectors Edition DVDs are pretty cool.
[deleted user] Great fan of DVDs, I have Seasons 1-3 at the moment, planning on getting Seasons 4-9 in batches of 3. Not sure about after Season 9.
Great fan of DVDs, I have Seasons 1-3 at the moment, planning on getting Seasons 4-9 in batches of 3. Not sure about after Season 9.
Mike I don't blame you. The show started to slip after season 9, and even season 9 itself had its weak moments (cough cough The Principal and the Pauper). My favorite seasons are 3 to 8, personally.
I don't blame you. The show started to slip after season 9, and even season 9 itself had its weak moments (cough cough The Principal and the Pauper). My favorite seasons are 3 to 8, personally.
Pandaxletsplay Owning every single Simpsons DVD ever, this is just going to be an excuse to waste my wallet to keep that title to my name
Pandaxletsplay "The Guy Who Owns All The Simpsons DVDs".
Without t
Owning every single Simpsons DVD ever, this is just going to be an excuse to waste my wallet to keep that title to my name
Pandaxletsplay "The Guy Who Owns All The Simpsons DVDs".
Without the thought of my collectors side, I feel like it is great that they are doing that 'cause some people don't really bother about things like streaming and find it easier to pop in a DVD, I just dont get why they decided to start doing it again,
So overall I think its great!
Pandaxletsplay "The Guy Who Owns All The Simpsons DVDs".
Without the thought of my collectors side, I feel like it is great that they are doing that 'cause some people don't really bother about things like streaming and find it easier to pop in a DVD, I just dont get why they decided to start doing it again,
So overall I think its great!