You can watch trailer here:
And download translation here:
The Simpsons Hit & Run - Polish Translation
Posted in SHAR: Mod Showcase
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ikskoks You can watch trailer here:
And download translation here:
Please excuse my poor Polish, I am using a translator.
We took down the original forum topic because it links to

Please excuse my poor Polish, I am using a translator.
We took down the original forum topic because it links to a download that says "crack". A "crack" usually refers to an illegal download
If you're making a translation, it needs to use the mod launcher format. This way it can be toggled and Donut Team can verify that nothing bad was done to the game.
We tried to verify it's authenticity, but it failed to download numerous times for multiple of us. So as such, we're taking this topic down.
Proszę wybaczyć mojego biednego polskiego, używam tłumacza.
Założyliśmy oryginalny temat forum, ponieważ łączy się on z plikiem zawierającym "crack". "Crack" oznacza zwykle nielegalne pobieranie
Jeśli wykonujesz tłumaczenie, musisz użyć formatu uruchamiającego modyfikatora. W ten sposób można go przełączać, a zespół Donut Team może sprawdzić, czy gra nie jest złe.
Staraliśmy się zweryfikować jego autentyczność, ale wiele razy wiele razy nie można ich pobrać. W ten sposób zajmujemy ten temat.
ikskoks Sorry, something must be wrong with my download link. Here is a direct link: <old link>
And here is dropbox mirror: <old link>
It's not a crack. It is compiled LMLM mod. Could y
Sorry, something must be wrong with my download link. Here is a direct link: <old link>
And here is dropbox mirror: <old link>
It's not a crack. It is compiled LMLM mod. Could you please restore links in the first post, when you download it successfully?
P.S. You don't need to use google translate. :)
And here is dropbox mirror: <old link>
It's not a crack. It is compiled LMLM mod. Could you please restore links in the first post, when you download it successfully?
P.S. You don't need to use google translate. :)
Fluffy Seems to be on the up & up, however you should not be distributing the mod launcher with your mod. That violates our rules.
If you can fix that, you are free to share your links on your main post
Seems to be on the up & up, however you should not be distributing the mod launcher with your mod. That violates our rules.
If you can fix that, you are free to share your links on your main post by using the edit tool.
You can also use BBCode to embed images, videos or links. Guidelines here:
If you can fix that, you are free to share your links on your main post by using the edit tool.

You can also use BBCode to embed images, videos or links. Guidelines here:
ikskoks Hello. A have corrected download link on my website. This one is without your mod launcher inside zip package.
Do you know where I can advertise my mod to reach more people?
Hello. A have corrected download link on my website. This one is without your mod launcher inside zip package.
Do you know where I can advertise my mod to reach more people?
Do you know where I can advertise my mod to reach more people?
Poliak Hi ikskoks, I was wondering if you still had the decompiled files for the polish translation as I would really like to have them since your mod can't be decompiled with the lucas mod launcher, pl
Hi ikskoks, I was wondering if you still had the decompiled files for the polish translation as I would really like to have them since your mod can't be decompiled with the lucas mod launcher, please and thank you