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Mod Loading error

Posted in Support
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I downloaded MIschievous Night but the launcher says "could not load mod: no Miscellaneous section in Meta.ini"
It's obviously a bug, because every mod MUST contain that section in Meta.ini.

Please fix it!
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
I downloaded the same mod recently and didn't have any issues. Is your mod launcher entirely up to date?
Yes it is!
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
Have you did something with your SHaR files recently?
[deleted user]
7 yrs ago (Statistics)
Are you using the latest version of Mischievous Night? What OS are you running on? Have you had similar issues with any other mods?
Take a screenshot of the error and send us the copy of the mod through a file uploading site. I can look at it using our file inspector to confirm or deny if it's missing a Meta.ini

System specs are also helpful.