I have been trying to replace custom music that isn't specific to one level (such as the street race theme) and I was wondering what the proper way to do that would be. I am unsure as to what hex codes to replace to change non level specific custom music. When I tried to replace the street race theme, for instance, I replaced the level specific hex codes for the street race theme and the song only played on Nelson's race while the other 2 races had the default theme. There are also some songs that are level specific like the intro to the Halloween theme that i couldn't even find the hex code for but for some reason still was able to play in game without changing any hex code.
So, in short, I want to know what hex values I need to change for non level specific music because tutorials I have seen only show hex value changing in relation to the l(1-7)_Music.rms files.
Music replacement question.
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The_Trash_Man I have been trying to replace custom music that isn't specific to one level (such as the street race theme) and I was wondering what the proper way to do that would be. I am unsure as to what hex
[deleted user] This tutorial should help you
This tutorial should help you
The_Trash_Man The tutorial provided doesn't explain what file to extract for the hex editor if the song isn't specific to one level. The song replaced in the video was specific to level 1 (i.e. Sunday Dri
The tutorial provided doesn't explain what file to extract for the hex editor if the song isn't specific to one level. The song replaced in the video was specific to level 1 (i.e. Sunday Drive) so in the tutorial he extracted the rms for lvl 1 and edited the hex code. I wanted to know what rms file needed to be extracted (if at all) if the song was something like the race theme or the hit and run theme where all levels use it.